Author Topic: Laird of Bandrum  (Read 16153 times)

Stirling Thompson

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Laird of Bandrum
« on: February 15, 2012, 07:13:02 AM »
Henceforth you may address me as Laird Stirling Thompson of Bandrum! For my birthday this year my daughter Jennifer bought me one square foot of Scotland! The plot is located in Bandrum, County of Fife about 6 miles northwest of Edinburg. Its on a hillside adjacent to the Saltine Golf Club and has a lovely view of the surrounding countryside. I'm told you can see the Forth Bridge, the Ochil Hills and all the way to Stirling. Not far away is Dunfermline, burial place of Robert the Bruce and birthplace of Andrew Carnegie. Unfortunately the plot is to small to do anything with but hey, it's still a piece o' the auld sod! Because of the small size I don't actually own the property as we think of ownership. What I have is 175 year lease renewable at no charge for up to 999 years and yes the lease is inheritable so it can be passed on to whomever I wish. The tower in the photo is called the Temple and is located at the top of the hill where my plot is located.

If anyone is interested in purchasing their 'wee bit o' Scotland' check out
Laird Stu
Semper Fidelis! Semper Familia!