Author Topic: I need some inspiration or efficient plagureism  (Read 15591 times)


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I need some inspiration or efficient plagureism
« on: June 24, 2011, 05:56:47 PM »
Hi Cousins,

I recently recieved contact from a Terry Thompson advising me we had an exact 12 marker match. Terry advised he was of the Archibald Thompson Line of the Diary fame. Apparently these Diaries are big in the US but out here in the Colonial Outpost of Australia I had no knowledge. Looks like I am buying another book.

As I revisited my Dad's DNA results within the Thompson DNA Project I find Terry had not given me the whole story as he was recorded as (Y 111) Family Finder.

Terry was also an exact 25 Marker Match , a 37 Marker Match (Distance 1) and a 67 Marker Match (Distance 2)

Terry had his more experienced researcher relative, Lynn Peoples, contact me and Lynn told me she had been researching her family (with others) for 50 years and had no concrete evidence of a Scottish or Irish Link. I was able to send her some two dozen documents that indeed indicate my links to both.

What I need is some advice on how I should interperate this match. 

I have been derdging up Irish documents , thanks largely to leeds I have found through Clan T and I have some lose but probable theory on where and why we became a bit Irish but I won't bore anyone with that (Except Mary as I do not like to suffer alone :-)  )

Any advice will be greatly appreciated

Kind Regards

rus t

Thomas Thompson

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Re: I need some inspiration or efficient plagureism
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2011, 08:45:03 PM »
   This is from   Average generation  30 years.
Your perfect 25/25 match with same surname means you share a common male ancestor.
Your 37 - distance 1 means tightly related. 36/37 usually the mismatch is within DYS 576,570,CDYb,DCYb. Your common ancestor was within the time frame of European surname adoption.
Your 65/67 has a 50% probality that the MRCA (Most Recent Common Ancestor) lived no longer than 6 generations. (180 years). 67/67 there is a 50 % probability that the MCRA was no more than 2 generations ago and a 90% probability that the MCRA was no more than 5 generations ago.
   My best guess is that you and Terry had a common ancestor in the 1800rds.
The hard part will be finding him. I think the link may be your GG Robert T(b1819 d 1843) Sister Mary Hanna (b1800) Coleraine./ Milford, Donegal.Ireland. It is possible they had
family ties that caused them to return to Greenoch, Scotland in Oct of 1843 for (Documentation - Assisted Migrants???)
  Good on you mate.


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Re: I need some inspiration or efficient plagureism
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2011, 07:23:51 AM »
Thanks Tom

As I understand it the Archibald T of the Diary fame was thought to have been born in Ireland. I have traced my line to Milford, Donegal, Ireland in 1834. I have that from my founding Oz GGGranDad's shipping/immigration documentation (1843-44) togrther with 'Tithing' records for the Parish of Tullyfern (1834).  Archibald left Ireland (if it was Ireland) for the Americas some fifty odd years earlier.

My Oz founding GGGrandad's second daughter Ann was born in 1843 at Londonderry whilst the family was enroute to North Leith and then embarking of the sail ship 'Herald' at Greenoch. I have that from the shipping documents and from second daughter Ann's death record.  At that time they would not have been in Scotland for any more than four weeks.

Providing this DNA match points to only a couple of hundred years that may well suggest a brother to Archibald T. Or perhaps a common Dad or Grandad. Do you agree or do I once again draw to long a bow ?  Tis the best leed I have had thus far. Tnx to 'Clan T'.

Many thanks for you assistance. I will let Terry know and see where that takes his more experienced family researchers. I gather Terry is pretty knew to the quest as am I.

Kind  Regards

rus t 

Thomas Thompson

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Re: I need some inspiration or efficient plagureism
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2011, 12:06:18 PM »
   I have not read the Diary so take it for what it is worth.
As I understand it Terry's ancestor (Archibald)  was in Ireland about mid 1750 and migrated to America about 1784.
Your GG Grandfather migrated from Ireland to OZ in 1843. (Robert b 1819)
  The DNA shows a very probable link  during the period of 1750-1819.
I suggest you and Terry try to find all possible males living in the period. One of them should be your common link.
 It could be brother,or even a uncle (unwed birth is also possible)

  No need to draw the long bow. You have a somewhat narrow window of time to research. Not easy but doable!!!
Keep us in the loop - we are all interested in your search.


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Re: I need some inspiration or efficient plagureism
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2011, 05:51:14 PM »
G'day Cousins

The Family History Gods have smiled on me (a little).

Progress Report

Whilst Irish records are as scarce as vocal agnostics in Kabul, I have had some luck. As I have bored you with before, my principal 'Scott of Interest', in Ireland, is one Archibald T who features as a soldier and tenant of the Scottish Stewart 'Plantationer' family. This Archie being one of four Tomo's noted in Stewarts Military Muster records of 1630/31. Four out of Stewarts standing army of sixty one men at arms. This being the highest concentration of the various T names I have been able to locate in Ulster at that time.

Well to cut a long story down to a sentence or two I found a cencus of sorts (circa 1659ish) that lists this Archie and his two sons Anthony and John living at Galinagh,Raphoe. Surname spelt Tomsone. Given Archibald Tomsone was in Donegal in 1610 and recorded as a soldier in 1630 he must have lived to a ripe old age. However in the interest of being less boring I also found an 'Index to Wills'.

The index survived, the Will documents went up in smoke with the Dublin Four Courts Building destruction in 1922. This index notes an Anthony T's, from Galdonagh, Will, recorded in 1739 and a Captain John's , from Galdinagh in 1694. Surnames spelt Thompson. Archibald Thompson's 'Will' dated 1699 and for some reason, last on the list, and registered at Carshewey. All surnames by that time spelt with the wet (p). But without much doubt the same Tomo's as once spelled their name Tomsone.

There is further Documentation that tells Archibald Tomsone purchased this Galdonagh land from a George Thomson, Son of Hugh Thomson of Londonderry. This purchase had a consideration of Fifty Pounds and was funded by the Laird of Dunduffe, William Stewart of Mt Stewart.   Records of the Stewart Wills (which do survive) also note the passing of Archibald Tomsone's note/bond (Six hundred pounds) down to surviving Stewarts (Mrs Jean Stewart) after William's, Laird of Dunduffe, death. The Laird of Dunduffe being a Scottish Title and not Irish as I had originally believed. Having two William Stewarts as Plantationers either side of Lough Swilly hasn't aided me much either but I am getting a handle on this. William Stewart also had land granted to him at Newtownstewart in Tyrone which launches a further geographic can of worms/mystery/leed.

As we know, John Thompson the father of Archibald (Diary) Thompson was born circa 1710 and migrated to the American Colonies in 1739/40. This places John and Anthony as living at the same time. I am thinking the first born son gets the farm thus putting Captain John (albeit dead by 1694) out of the picture but either could fit at a pinch if they 'went forth and multiplied' and Galdinagh became too small to accomodate their sons and grandsons.

So I am getting closer to either linking the 'Diary' Tomos of the Americas to the Scotts Plantationer line or perhaps I 'crash and burn'. Either way it is and has been an interesting journey.

Another interesting observation I have made it that following the Battle of Dunbar in 1650. Where Alexander Stewart (Son of William Stewat) was killed. Oh, by the way the Stewarts were Royalists and staunch supporters of the Scottish Stewart Kings of Scotland and England. Well following that battle there was only one Thom(p)son name recorded as a POW out of the 175 Scottish Officers who survived. Ensign Thomas Thomson.  But that is another story .................... but the math is interesting.


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Re: I need some inspiration or efficient plagureism
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2011, 06:55:31 AM »
Hi Rusty!

Sounds like you are knocking on and opening doors still! You work so hard at this - I'm impressed. And finding a surviving index of wills --- I can't even find THAT much!

We've not been that lucky but always cheer right along with others when they make a breakthrough. And your stories and connections are never boring..and you never know when someone you find and talk about may be a person someone else has been looking for!

Keep it up and keep us up to date. I talked to Ern Thompson yesterday and he had read your update we're out here reading them even if most people don't take the time to say so! Tom is more involved in the genealogy searching than I am lately, but we try to keep up!