Author Topic: Foothills Highland Games - November 6, 2010  (Read 10518 times)


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Foothills Highland Games - November 6, 2010
« on: August 09, 2010, 07:24:47 AM »
Hello all.......time to mark your calendars for a fall games! After the heat this summer, it will certainly be a welcome relief weather-wise!

We'll have a tent there and members are starting to check in ..... let us know if you can come! Most of us will be there Friday/Saturday nights which will give us a chance to get together, relax and brain-storm.

The games are in a new setting at Jackson Park, Hendersonville, NC.  The park encompasses 212 acres and should be a lovely setting.

See you in November???


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Re: Foothills Highland Games - November 6, 2010
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2010, 03:53:54 PM »
What a wonderful time of year to go!  Wish we could be there.  :(

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Thomas Thompson

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Re: Foothills Highland Games - November 6, 2010
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2010, 10:35:47 PM »
Foothills Highland Games report:
  Way back in Aug some poor soul said "after the heat of this summer it would be a welcome relief weather wise" Mother Nature was watching for us after that post. Friday night low was 25 and on Sat by 10am the temp had climbed up to a roasting 35 with a wind (as reported by Fred) 5-6mph from the SW). Maybe that wind was a bit stronger because several tents were unable to withstand that lite breeze.
  Fred, Babs, Mary and I got there in time to set up the tent and make a quick trip to Wallyworld for ground tie stakes and ropes. After we secured the tent we dressed for the Ceilidh//Reception dinner Friday night. Roast beef, fish, and all the fixens made for a mighty fine feast. After dinner they had a doorprize drawing and Mary won Alex Beaton's newest CD 'From the Sea to the Shore' You know just how valuable that CD is because she has never won anything before. Then wonder of wonders Babs won also. She got a set of scented candles 'For that Special Time' I guess Fred won also.
   Sat morning we reset the tent and waited for the onslaught of eager Games attendees. It was so cold very few were manly enough to face the weather.
 Joshua Cash, Victor Thomas, and Tom Sheppard all stopped by the tent inquiring about possible Thoms heritage and/or genealogy.
  Considering the weather we had a great turn out of Clan Thompsons: Fred & Babs, Tom & Mary, Robert & Sherry, Jim & Sharon, Steve & Mary Lee, Joe & Roslyn, Brad & Bonnie, Ken Stucky, and Don McCullan. When the wind blew a couple of books off the table we packed it in.
After the Games several of us went to an Irish Pub for supper and adult beverages -- All in all a very good time was had by all.


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Re: Foothills Highland Games - November 6, 2010
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2010, 06:54:36 PM »
It's always fun when the Thompson Clan families get together.  :D  Wish John and I could have been there.  Sounds like it was a fun Ceilidh too. I love Ceilidh's, the first one I attended with my daughters I won a country ham and one daughter won a bottle of champagne.  ;D  Mary, an Alex Beaton CD is a great doorprize!   :D

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Foothills Highland Games - November 6, 2010 Re-cap #2
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2010, 12:59:44 PM »
Greetings all Thom(p)sons!

The morning dawned cloudy and cold the day of the Hendersonville Highland Games. Drat! I put on my wool pants and turtle neck sweater and a vest; boots and a long coat. Then immediately took the vest and coat for the ride to Hendersonville. An hour later there we were at the games. The sun was shining and a light breeze…. it looked lovely……then I got out of the car. Frrrrickin’ COLD!  :o

I put on all the stuff I brought plus gloves.

My dear husband was dressed like we were still in Michigan……..I didn’t blame him. So, off we went to find the Clan tent. Robert had not been to the games before and I quickly lost him to sight seeing. I found the tent, Tom and Fred. The crowd was thin; no doubt the weather had something to do with it. We three stood around chatting each other up as well as those souls who did brave the cold. Then the line up started for the parade of tartans. We waited patiently for the announcer to give the last call for line up ……..well Tom and Fred waited patiently, I on the other hand was ready to go. Tom told me, “… just wait we’ve time yet.” ACK! I felt like a 6 year old on Christmas morning. LET’S GO NOW!

Anyway, Fred and I grabbed the flags and trotted off to get in line. Did I say it was COLD?!?  :o Now I see why getting in line was last minute. Out of the shelter of the tent, well …it was cold. Soon the line started moving and we all went ‘round as they called each Clan’s name. Couldn’t help but feel proud when they called out Clan Thompson!

The pipers were grrreat! Sooo good looking in their kilts and such  ;D and the playing………I love bagpipes. There were all manner of tents with a little bit of everything for sale. There were sheep, ducks and goats and dogs to herd them. The caber toss, the wool bag toss and on and on. The women’s games were hilarious! Alex Beaton was wonderful he sang all day til closing. The food was pretty darn good, though I could have used a cuppa hot tea rather than iced. Fred’s Babs came by dressed in her finery, and Fred was dressed to the nines as well. Robert and I bought a big bag of baked goods from House of Douglas. Yummm, nothing like simple carbohydrates. ;) I snagged a silver Celtic knot ring for a good price. Alas, the day never did warm up and around 3:30 we got word the closing ceremony would be at 4:00. So we helped take down the tent and cart all the stuff back to Fred and Tom’s cars.

Plans were made to meet for supper at Hannah Flannigan’s in downtown Hendersonville. Robert and I got there early and saved a table, good thing too the place filled up fast. As a bonus, the pipe band from the games had the back room reserved so we got an encore performance. (Did I say I love bagpipes? :D) First they played right outside the pub for 10 or 15 minutes. Once inside they would walk through the whole place playing. The “stage” was right next to our table and they would play two or three more songs. AND they did this three or four times throughout the evening. We ate good food, drank good beer, had good conversation and got to know each other a little better. It was grand!

I’m going back next year. ;D
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