Author Topic: WILLIAM THOMSON OF FAUCHFIELD  (Read 23708 times)

Allan Thomson

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« on: January 07, 2010, 03:31:48 PM »
THOMSON OF FAUCHFIELD  arms recorded 1672

Mr WILLIAM THOMSONE of Fauchfield Bears Parted per pale Argent and Gules a stag’s head cabossed and attired with ten tynes counterchanged on a chief Azure a cross crosslet fitchée Or between a spur-revel and a crescent of the first.  Above the shield a helmet  befitting his degree mantled gules doubled argent.  The motto in ane Escroll Deus Providebit

Scottish Records have the following Thomsons at Fauchfield or Faichfield:

12 Aug 1676 - Birth Thomas Thomson son of Thomas Thomson Esq of Faichfield, Parish of Longside, Aberdeen.
30 Jun 1680 - Birth William Thomson son to Thomas Thomson junior of Faichfield, Parish of Longside, Aberdeen.

There are records of a Janet Gregory (born circa 1626) who married a Thomas Thomson of Faichfield, they had three children Isabel, Janet and Margaret.

Further research is required into the Thomson of Fauchfield line.

Faichfield (or Fauchfield / Fechfield House)
Longside Parish, Aberdeenshire, AB42 3ED
Faichfield House was demolished in July/August of 1969.  Details regarding Faichfield house are held by The Royal Commission on the Ancient & Historical Monuments of Scotland and the following link takes you to their website.  There are photos and plans of the house but these must be ordered by mail.

Its also of interest that maps of Longside parish show a place near Faichfield called Hillhead of Cocklaw which may be associated with another Thomson armiger.

Allan Thomson

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« Last Edit: January 16, 2010, 08:37:45 PM by Forum_mgr »

Allan Thomson

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« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2010, 01:32:46 PM »
Another connection made between some of the ancient Thomson armigers.

LYON RECORDS 19 April 1775
Charles Thomson of Caltonhill Esquire in the County of which Charles married Elizabeth daughter of William Hamilton of Lotham Esquire in the County of Stirling a Captain in the Royal Regiment of Foot and Mary daughter of Hugh Montgomery of Coelsfield Esquire in the County of Air descended from the family of the Earl of Eglinton and Jean sister of James first Viscount Primerose which Last William was son of Captain John Hamilton and Catherine daughter of James Aberuchill Esquire which John was son of John Hamilton of Muirhouse Esquire a Cadet of the Family of the Duke of Hamilton and Anne only daughter of James Elphinston of Innerdivot which Charles is only son and heir of William Thomson Esquire of Edinburgh descended from the ancient Family of Thomson of Fauchfield in the County of Aberdeen and Catherine daughter of Alexander Urie(??) Esquire of Leith BEARS Argent a bucks head cabosed Gules attired Or on a chief Azure a cross crosslet fitched of the third between two mullets of the field  CREST A lyon passant guardent Gules charged on the breast with a cross crosslet fitched Or.  MOTTO Fortis et Fidus  Matriculated 19th April 1775

Apologies for any spelling mistakes.  Some difficult sections on this old document. I might be able to correct these when I check this later.  I think there are other branches of this ancient Thomson family (Fauchfield) and I hope to post these soon.

Allan Thomson

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Allan Thomson

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« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2010, 02:42:39 PM »
Primrose Thomson - another descendant of the Thomson's of Fauchfield.

Lyon Records 2nd June 1772
Primrose Thomson of London Esquire and Aid de Camp to Major General Sir Ayre Coole Knight of the most ancient and honourable order of the Bath and Commander in Chief of all the British Forces in the East Indies, son of Charles Thomson of Caltonhill Esquire in the County of Edinburgh and Elizabeth daughter of William Hamilton of Lotham Esquire in the County of Stirling a Captain in the Royal Regiment of Foot descended from the Family of the Duke of Hamilton who married Mary daughter of Hugh Montgomery of Coelsfield Esquire in the County of Air descended from the Family of the Earl of Eglinton, and Jean sister of James first Viscount Primrose which Charles Thomson was the only son and heir of William Thomson Esquire of Edinburgh descended from the ancient Family of Thomson of Fauchfield in the County of Aberdeen BEARS Argent a stags head cabosed Gules attired Or; between two Cinquefoils Ermine, and a flower de lys in Base Azure on a chief of the last a cross crosslet fitched between two spur revels of the third  CREST A lyon passant guardent Gules charged on the breast with a cross crosslet fitched Or.  MOTTO Fortis et Fidus  Matriculated 2nd June 1772

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Scott Thomson

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« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2010, 06:23:23 PM »
Very interesting,

I have noticed there does seem to be an abundance of Thomson's in the Aberdeenshire area, certainly all my family as far back as I can trace(1780) have come from that area. I think the furthest south any of them ventured was Montrose!



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« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2010, 08:37:56 AM »
Are there any historical repositories of information on armigers' descendants?  I would think there would be some interest once arms are granted to be aware of who bears them or versions of them at any given time..... no?  Mrs. Rhodes once indicated by letter that they don't keep current addresses and info..... so would there be any other database/file somewhere else we could research for current holders? I know - but it would be soooooo much simpler!
