Author Topic: Update from North Cackilacky  (Read 12092 times)

Sis Thompson's oldest

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Update from North Cackilacky
« on: October 04, 2011, 07:41:09 AM »
Greetings all!
Just a quick note to update doings from this branch of the Thom(p)sons. More like a twigg but what the heck.

The 70th annual Robert W. Thompson Family Reunion is happening the 23rd of this month in Lynn, Indiana; where Thompsons are thick on the ground. Alas, I will not be in attendence, rather I will be at the beach on vacation. I am still trying to decide how quickly I could drive from the coast of Georgia to Lynn then back to NC in the last few days of vacation. I'll let you know how that turns out.

Last week I sent my family tree to the Gen. Society in Winchester IN asking for a bit of help tracking down the still elusive R W Thompson. They haven't found much yet, but no news is good news.....right? I am stuck making confirmation on the George and Jean (McLenaghan) Thompson connection on my maternal grandmother"s side. Some dispute on whether it is Geroge WIlliam or William George... But it looks like Thompsons on both sides. Bearing out the claim that a scottish family tree is a celtic knot.

It's never dull. ::)

Leaf Season is gearing up here in Asheville. I've been driving the Blue Ridge Parkway to work lately and the views are spectacular. Even the trees in town are putting on a show. AND it was 30 degrees this morning when I left for work is coming!

Here's hoping you're all doing well and remember; if ye see cattle and they're not yours............weel they could be :D

yer Coz Sherry

The bad news? There is no key to the universe. The good news? It was never locked.


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Re: Update from North Cackilacky
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2011, 08:15:03 AM »
Gee, Sherry........I can't imagine being on a beach for the last rays of summer when you could be mucking about with THOMPSONS! Our dead end for the Thompson line was PA and we've gone there looking to no avail. His sons were in Remington, IN as jewelers, so we have ties to IN too. Funny about your disputed Thompson being William George or George William ---- my Welsh grandfather was a "Willie George."

Well, watching the weather today with EARLY snows starting up, you'd better get to the beach quick! West Virginia had snow last week and that's almost unheard of. All I'd really like is a white Christmas one of these years  :D

Ya know, having Thompsons on both sides of your tree explains a lot ;D   snark, snark!

Have a great time - if you decide to go to IN from the coast, you're welcome to stop overnight here coming/going. Indianapolis is about 6 hours from our house........

Sis Thompson's oldest

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Re: Update from North Cackilacky
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2011, 03:26:09 PM »
Ya know, having Thompsons on both sides of your tree explains a lot    snark, snark!

Aye it would explain many things, but my daddy always reminded me, "Yer half Marchand ya know..." then he'd laugh. The Marchands left France to escape conscription in to Napolean's army. So there you have it ...... ;D

You will note though I am the Thompson/Marchand who will be at the beach for a week. A semi tropical island beach no less! Just sayin" ;) Ahhhhh.......

There is Welsh on my mum's side as well, Robert W. Thompson's wife's family came from Wales... Bowen, only wayyy back (as if 1700's wasn't way back enough).

I'll keep looking for those elusive ancestors...........they can run but the can't hide.....for long.

Thanks for the invite to stay. I'll keep it in mind should I be able to pry my man from his beach chair to go home early................whatta ya think the odds are for that?

Be well, do good works and keep in touch!
yer coz,
The bad news? There is no key to the universe. The good news? It was never locked.