Genealogy > Thom(p)son DNA Project

Try Gedmatch tools to get more out of your dna

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Okay. Tried it out searching through all public data and found your Kit in my list of matches. But I'm not sure what I'm seeing. I ran some sort of comparison and it says:
Largest segment = 4.1 cM
Total of segments > 2 cM = 18.0 cM
Estimated number of generations to MRCA = 6.8 for you and me, but I think I need a tutorial.

How do you use triangulation? What's a CM?

6.8 generations is way closer than any of my Y DNA hits that's for sure!

The higher the #'s the better.  You are closer to my sister (F200081) than you are to me. 

# centiMorgan (cM) faq id: 663

A centiMorgan (cM) is a measurement of how likely a segment of DNA is to recombine from one generation to the next. A single centiMorgan is considered equivalent to a 1% (1/100) chance that a segment of DNA will crossover or recombine within one generation. For humans, one million base pairs (bp) average about one centiMorgan.

I hope you got all that. 

Triangulation is my favorite.   
Upload your 23andMe Ancestry Finder file.....
You will get instant results and it's a lot of fun.  Click on all the "click here" buttons.  The bottom one will give you the full version. 


--- Quote from: uneven on May 25, 2011, 04:33:10 PM ---Okay. So you can't upload twice. Smart system. So I contacted the admin and he gave me my ID: M202443

Now if I could only find the ID of my GEDCOM upload...managed to lose that one too.

--- End quote ---

Maybe you are losing the kraken from the brain.  Is that kind of like "crying in the sink"?

I had to google crying in the sink for crying in the sink!

Well, I don't have to tell you this, but it's been really cool. These 23 and Me results and Gedmatch have really panned out in a way that my Y DNA couldn't. Now I have the ability to find all the men and women in our family...and hopefully a few Thompsons too.

Thanks for the push in the right direction cousin.


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