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Hello from New Orleans


My name is Timothy J Thompson. I live in River Ridge Louisiana. Which is a suburb of New Orleans. I'm a tool maker and avid cyclist. I found this site while doing research on getting a kilt. Pretty interesting reading on the family name and history especially the "curse". LOL.


Sis Thompson's oldest:
Welcome Tim,

I have a brother who lives in New Orleans. He presently works on the locks and also rides his bike to and from work (and every where else for that matter). Should you happen to see a fat tire, John Deer green and yellow bike with a balding guy pedaling for all he's worth out on the's probably him.

Glad you found us. Join the fun and post away. You'll want to consider joining as a member too. And if yer ever in WNC stop by the Loch Norman Games in April. Endless fun.....and good beer too!

Mar sin leat!
Sherry  ;D

Thomas B. Thompson:
Welcome Tim (Good Name),
I have a brother named Tim Thompson!
I worked as a building inspector about 4 years ago in the New Orleans (Nar Leans) area, mostly
the St. Tammay Parish. A real beautiful state. Anyway, welcome again and don't be a stranger, at least
not any more stranger than the rest of us.

Tom Thompson (Indiana)

Sis Thompson's oldest: least not any more stranger than the rest of us.
I resemble that remark  ;D LOL

Another from the "warm" part of the country!  WELCOME!

Iit's been a HOT summer! I can't even imagine what it's been like in Louisiana, although it was hotter here than in Florida much of the summer. I went to New Orleans for a conference a number of years ago - I remember it distinctly. It was well over 100 degrees and your clothes never dried (while you were in them!). It was too hot to walk around and see as much as we wanted to but I remember a great clam shop and, of course, I managed to stagger into Pat O'Brien's and get a hurricane. YUM   I'd love to go back in the winter some time!

The 'curse'.....yeah, he seemed a bit worked up, didn't he?   ;D  In spite of his 'fond wishes,' the clans in his sights didn't die out and go away but are still thriving in/out of Scotland and have come out of the woodwork to be proud lowlanders. They have a gathering of the reiving clans in Scotland (annually?) and I would love to have a chance to go. I think the last one was in Dumfriesshire which is smack-dab in the middle of the Thomson environs.

Post your thoughts, questions, jokes, pictures (as you cycle around LA)....we're in the summer doldrums and don't have as much activity as usual, but we read it! So give us some new stuff to chew on!

Strange??? That's right up there with 'unusual and rare', right?  Yeah....rare, as in valuable. Yeah! Strange is good!  :D

See you on the boards and, hopefully, at the games. I don't think LA held one this year, but lots of places cancelled due to the economy so we hope they wills start back up in a year or so.

Kilt - did you want a traditional, 8 yard, made-to-measure wool kilt or what? Let us know and we can point you in the right direction.


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