Genealogy > Thom(p)son Genealogy

So long to

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Sis Thompson's oldest:
Greetings all Thom(p)sons!

Hope your New Year has started out well.

It was tough but I finally cut the strings that tied me to, Cold Turkey if you will. I've been using the LDS site and software since and have been able to pick up a few more bits of info. It will take some time to become proficient but what the heck it"s FREE and free is good.

Winter in North Carolina has been chilly and wet. Not at all minded by my hubby, who will ride his motorcycle in all but below freezing weather. I, on the other hand, am a fair weather rider. Won't leave in the rain (but will ride in it......yes, yes I know, it don't make no "cent") and prefer above 40 degrees. A girl has to have standards......

Looking forward to Spring and the Loch Norman Games in April, we'll be there on Saturday the 22nd. If yer there come by the tent and say hullo!

Yer cuz,
Sherry ;D


--- Quote from: Sis Thompson's oldest on January 23, 2012, 08:22:50 AM ---Looking forward to Spring and the Loch Norman Games in April, we'll be there on Saturday the 22nd. If yer there come by the tent and say hullo!

Yer cuz,
Sherry ;D

--- End quote ---

I wish!  But I know everything's in good hands with you, Sharon, Jim, Fred and Babs!  Have a great time! Lots of pictures and write-ups!!!!  ;)

Hey Sherry,

Be careful with the LDS stuff.  They can be a little 'loose' with their research, especially if it's not a direct line. I've used them and sometimes I can't figure out how they came to the conclusions they had. But just like everything in the search, you got to verify things yourself.

I understand you not wanting to start a trip in the rain. I've done it a few times; don't you just love it as that water trickles down your leg? Most years, I can ride year around here in Colorado'as long as the temps are above freezing and the roads are dry.  They put a lot of sand down in the winter, so I don't ride too much until we've had a heavy rain or two in the spring.  To me, riding on sand is more dangerous than riding on ice; there's nothing more exciting than riding on tiny marbles on two wheels.  And, out here you also have the possibility of riding in snow almost in any month. Now that's refreshing!

Take care,


Sis Thompson's oldest:
You"re right about LDS, trust but verify. I took facts I was certain of and ran them through LDS with mixed results. But it gave me a few bits that were worth the trouble. I also got in touch with the Genealogy Society in Richmond Indiana. They have been most helpful. Alas, Robert W Thompson's parents remain a mystery.

Snow this morning if you can call 3 flakes landing on the windshield as I drove to work, snow. Cold and sunny this weekend, cold being in the low 40's. Oi, this Michigan girl has become very spoiled!

Ride safe ............and in the words of my hubby, "Rubber side down."

yer coz,

Stirling Thompson:
Maybe you don't have to give up Ancestry completely. Many public libraries have available to their patrons. The only drawback is it can only be accessed in the library. I also use Heritage which is available via the library but I can access it from home using the bar code on my library card as my login id.
Good Luck!


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