Genealogy > Thom(p)son Genealogy

So long to

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Sis Thompson's oldest:
Excellent idea.
I will check out the library for both Ancestry & Heritage.
Thanks for the tip.

Cuzzin Sherry,

If you need to get back on in the next 30 days, let me know. You can borrow my account.

See my post (I'm Pissed) under "what not."  I don't think I'll get much use out of their service.


Sis Thompson's oldest:
Oy! Thanks for the "ancestry" offer in your last post. 
I don't 'spose we'll see you in April @ the Loch Norman Games? ;)

Took the first motorcycle ride of the year! It was fast!.......the first one always seems that way. Had to wrestle the Hawk away from my hubby. He said he was working out the bugs (riding the heck out of it, more like) for me for the last two weeks. Uh huh. ::)
So spring is here. My story and I'm stickin' to it.

Yer coz,

Sis Thompson's oldest:

Let me explain.
Here I am in Mesa AZ. visiting my sister, you know "Sis Thompson's Youngest". Anyway, she picks me up at the airport and as I step outside of the artificial environment I've been in since 5:25 in the morning, the heat almost knocks me down! Delicate flower that I am......Really? Does it HAVE to be 103 degrees at 11:55am?

But I digress.

So, you may ask, "where does the WOO HOO come in to play?" Once we got to her condo and airconditioning, she plunked down in front of me a stack of family records & pictures at least an inch thick! "Where the heck did ya get these!" I asked as I plowed through them as giddy as a school girl on Christmas morning. It seems the wife of a cousin, with whom my sis went to school and who happened to marry said cousin, found the records in our Aunt's (the cousin's mother...with me so far?) effects. Our Aunt was on the volunteer team at the Richmond IN geneology society, and had amassed quite a bit of information.

Hence, WOO HOO!

Some of the records I've seen but others will bear close scrutiny, the will and land purchase and sale records. The pictures date to 1863. GGGrandfather Ephriam in his Union uniform with his pistol in a studio portrait. A photo of Robert W Thompson's wife Nancy Bowen.

Again I say WOO HOO!

Now I'm going to pour a cold beverage and savour the past!

Yer Cuz,


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