Genealogy > Thom(p)son Genealogy

Society Genealogy

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Thomas Thompson:
   Today; Society member Maggie Jones of CO has agreed to become the new Clan Thompson Society Genealogist. She has years of experience and reams of sources available to assist your search for Thompson family ties.
She is in the final stages of publishing her 10th book,and has started revising her Thom(p)son book with new information.We have agreed to a few new procedures that hopefully will prevent her becoming overwhelmed. Paid society members will be given priority assistance, Nonmembers will receive assistance as time allows. Additionally, we will send members a new genealogy form with her address in the newsletter.
She plans to have a table in the Clan Thom(p)son tent during the 2012 Estes Park games. Suggest your arrive early and bring you questions for personal assistance.

 Cathy McTavish has done so much for us over the years that words and a sincere thank you don't seem adequate,
Cathy said she has truly enjoyed working with Clan Thom(p)son over the years but has decided that she needs to reduce her workload so that she can devote more time to family.

Stirling Thompson:
Cathy, our warrior princess, you will be missed! Thank you for all you have done for this Society from day one!

Maggie, thanks for stepping up! You have a tough act to follow but I'm sure you'll be an excellent Clan Genealogist! Good luck and I'll be sure to let you know about my brick wall!

Sis Thompson's oldest:
Thank you for all you've done. Enjoy your family time and don't forget to post now and again.

Cathy -

..........and THAT'S why you will always be our Warrior Princess!  You never give up and stepped in when we needed genealogy help "lo these many years ago" now!

Maggie --- thank you for volunteering to take on the genealogy job.........get ready!

Thomas B. Thompson:
Cahty--- Thanks for all you have done!!!!


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