Genealogy > Thom(p)son Genealogy

Interesting questions...Thompson's on the boat?

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Very interesting.


My ancestor, James Thompson, came over with the Winthrop Expedition in 1630, with his wife and three children. There is an island in Boston harbor named Thompson's Island. I believe that post started in the late 1500's.

Stirling Thompson:
from Wikipedia...
In 1626, four years before the Puritans arrived, David Thompson established a trading post to trade with the Neponset Indians on the island that now bears his name. Thompson was a Scot who had been superintending the settlement of Sir Ferdinando Gorges and Captain John Mason near Portsmouth, New Hampshire. For the next two centuries, Thompson Island was leased to several families for farming.

There are more Thompson Islands but their names have different origins. There's one off the town of St.George, ME and another that's part of Acadia National Park and another in the South Atlantic!

Stirling Thompson:
From Wikipedia regarding the South Atlantic Thompson Island...

Thompson Island was a phantom island in the South Atlantic. According to the Global Volcanism Program, it was thought to be located about 70 km (43 mi) north-northeast of Bouvet Island, a small Norwegian dependency located between South Africa and Antarctica.

The island was first reported and named by whaling ship captain George Norris in 1825. The last reported sighting occurred in 1893; however, when the German survey ship Valdivia fixed the position of Bouvet in 1898, they looked for Thompson, but did not find it. If Thompson ever existed, it is probable that it disappeared in a volcanic eruption sometime in the 1890s, though in 1997 it was reported that the sea depth at the supposed location is greater than 2400 m, rendering the existence of a submarine volcano uncertain.

Thompson Island continued to appear on maps published as late as 1943.


--- Quote from: Thomas B. Thompson on August 29, 2012, 09:55:59 PM ---My 11th Great Grandfather  ( William Thompson and his brother Christopher )
came to Maryland in 1687. They were brought here from Edinburgh by a
Col. Ninia Beall. Haven't been able to find the name of the ship as of yet
still looking


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