Author Topic: A Thompson HERO  (Read 24272 times)

Thomas Thompson

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A Thompson HERO
« on: June 30, 2014, 10:41:52 AM »
  Daniel Thompson (son of Samuel Thompson and Ruth Wright) was born on March 09, 1733/34 in Woburn, MiddLesex, Massachusetts, USA, and died April 19 1775 in Woburn. He married Phebe Snow on October 29, 1760 in Woburn. She was the daughter of Isaac Snow and Phebe Richardson.

   That simple genealogy report doesn't arouse the interest of most modern Americans. It is a shame that the great and ultimate sacrifice paid by so many has ended this year.
As we approach the 4th of July; I ask each member of Clan Thompson to pause and consider the loss of our freedom so many fought to give    America.
   Daniel Thompson and Asahel Porter both members of Woburn's Militia were joined by 38 others who made the sacrifice during the Battle of Lexington and Concord.
Asahel Porter was captured returning from selling eggs in Boston. He was shot in the back to prevent giving advance warning of the British approach to Lexington and Concord.
    Daniel Thompson rode to North Woburn to rouse the people to resist the enemy.
More than half of the men (between 16 & 60) on the 1775 tax rolls answered the call to arms on April 19, 1775. THEY considered it a matter of obligation and honor to serve as members of the town's militia.
   Daniel Thompson was one of the 180 men who muster at Fowle Tavern. They placed themselves, on either side of Bedford Road in Lincoln just a few miles from Concord.
Daniel took cover behind a barn and continued firing with deadly results. Such deadly results, that a British regular was ordered to come up behind him and take him out.The regular was inturn shot by a fellow militiaman. Not in time to save Daniel, who at age 40, lay dead at the Battle of Bloody Angle.His brother Abujah had to bear the bad news to wife and children 9 the oldest of which at age 14.  See "The History of Woburn, 1785-1868," by Samuel Sewell


MICHAEL the Canadian

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Re: A Thompson HERO
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2014, 09:07:28 AM »
Very interesting I am a canadian, but once went out with a girl from Woburn Mass. which i believe is the same town you refer to in your story, Is it, this town is outside Boston, today it could even be a outlying suburb of Boston near the area of Reading , Mass.
It is nice to read the story and the Amercian civil war has always caught my interest. thanks again. Michael the Canadian.


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Re: A Thompson HERO
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2015, 11:42:59 AM »
I never saw this! Very interesting. Seems we just don't have it in us anymore to care about our freedoms or the lack thereof. Trying to stay hopeful though. Fight the good fight!
The best and most beautiful things cannot be seen or even heard. They must be felt with the heart. - Helen Keller

Thomas B. Thompson

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Re: A Thompson HERO
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2015, 07:15:06 PM »
Interesting piece of history. Thanks for posting it.
Hope you and Mary are doing good and staying healthy.

Best wishes,

Tom & Barbara