Author Topic: I'm Outa Here!  (Read 15402 times)


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I'm Outa Here!
« on: May 16, 2008, 08:03:16 PM »
Tomorrow morning I'll be gone for two weeks on the bike--Colorado-Kansas- Missouri (a quick visit w/ my moma)-Illinois-Indiana-Kentucky- West Virginia,-Virginia- Washington D.C. the first week, then Maryland-Virginia again and then i don't know how we'll get back to Colorado but it'll be 2 lane roads all the way.

I hope everyone enjoys themselve at the Glasgow games and we have maximum turnout.

Everyone play nice while i'm gone and I'll write up a big report about the trip.  If you interested in how I'm getting to D.C.  and what the trip is all about, look up  --> www.

My best to you all,



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Re: I'm Outa Here!
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2008, 06:49:20 PM »

I got back last Friday after a 2 week / 4800 mile trip.  That's about 350 miles a day and there were two days in Washington when I hardly rode at all.  We visited the "wall" of course and toured Arlington Cemetery, added a couple of "prospects" into the motorcycle club (Veterans of Vietnam m/c) I belong to. (They were sworn in just behind the Wall).   We were very lucky regarding the weather- only got a few sprinkles on us-- which is very amaizing concidering the weird spring weather. 
On the trip back we did have to "stand down" for about a 1/2 day in Kansas due to very high winds.  They were real strong and blew us all over the highway so we got a motel room early in the day and watched the Weather Channel for the rest of the day.

The trip lasted  a couple of days too long. I arrived home with a very sore back (from a too soft motel bed?)  and spent the weekend in bed and just now got back from my chiropractor and feel 1000% better. So now I can unpack the bike & do my laundary.

Right now I have a love/hate relationship with the bike (which is covered with all kinds of bugs) and don't have any plans for any long trips for the near future. But she needs a good cleaning and an oil change.

I met one of the Senators from the great state of Tennesee while a a gas station and spoke with him for a half hour or so about our trip & etc.  On the way out we stopped in Louisville, Ky at the Louisville Slugger plant (makers of base-ball bats) and while waiting for my friends to tour the plant, a bus load of elderly tourists from North Carolina pulled up next to our bikes. Pretty soon their tour guide asked me to speak with them about our trip, and I did so--real nice people.  One day in Washington we went out for breakfast & ended up in Georgetown (Yuppie capital of the world) we got alot of strange looks in our biker gear. We ate at a place called "Martin's Pub" the oldes pub in Georgetown. I highly recommend it (on the courner of Wisconsin & "M" street) Many of our famous politicians have dined there. It was the place where John Kennedy propossed to Jackie, and Richard Nixon had a booth there too. Lydon Johnson used tgo make some of his political deals in their back room. A couple of my friends and I had lunch at my Mother's and they all commented on how, at 86, she still mows her own yard and how "lively" she is.

Out of 10 bikes we had 2 breakdowns (both harleys) one broke it's fuel pump after hitting a big bump in Missouri.  It was towed to a Harley dealorship and they took a fuelpump out of a new bike so we could get back on the road.  The other problem was due to a worn out battery in a key fob (anti theft devise). Once we figured out it needed a new battery- the bike started right up.

All in all it was a good trip, but two weeks was perhaps just a bit too long. With gas prices at around $4/gallon, eating out all the time and motel rooms, it gets rather expensive.

And I'm happy to be back, and eager to here about the Glasgow games and our first AGM

Regards to all,



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Re: I'm Outa Here!
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2008, 09:18:02 PM »
Hi Booner!

Glad you're home safe. You really missed a good time at Glasgow......but I'm not going to do the write-up on it, I'm going to let some of the others who attended do them.  They always say they don't have anything to say....but they were all at the games and the AGM and so I KNOW they have stuff to write about. Most of them have checked in and let us know they arrived home safely, so it was a good week or so.

I can't say I'm surprised that your back hurt! And probably not from a bed being too soft - I would think more from sitting leaning forward for so many long hours day after day and jolting! Try a car or a bus for awhile to further your healing. For those of us with bad backs, I have to say chiropractors are miracle workers!

Deb has some games coming up in Chicago, Iowa and Saline, MI.  Hopefully, she will post the dates and info on them in the near future. The Illinois St. Andrews Highland Games are later this month, so if anyone is going to be there (or lives around there) the Clan Thompson Society will have a tent!

Enjoyed your write-up of your trip and I know James appreciates your efforts on his behalf. You'll be scraping bugs off your bike for days! Not to mention your teeth :)



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Re: I'm Outa Here!
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2008, 09:25:22 PM »
It's just protein Mary!  I'm almost at the point where i can identify a bug by it's taste!---love those mayflies!

& car are for wimps!

Be thinking kilt for me-- I'll be ordering one in the next week-- I'm thinking the dress blue thomson

all ther best



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Re: I'm Outa Here!
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2008, 12:04:39 AM »
Y'all are so funny!   


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Re: I'm Outa Here!
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2008, 09:33:15 PM »
Hi Booner, glad you're back safe and sound, even with a backache.   ;D  Wish you had been at Glasgow, what fun we had, and the AGM went great.  You would have enjoyed the handing over the office of the Grand PooBah from Harold to Allen for the next year.  Harold was so funny and Allen is such a good sport.  I wonder what Allen will add to the Grand PooBah hat?  ;D 

We missed you.

"Kindness is the language the deaf can hear and the blind can see." - Mark Twain


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Re: I'm Outa Here!
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2008, 10:17:57 PM »

And I missed seeing you all too!

My best,