Author Topic: Highland Games and Festivals  (Read 175423 times)

Thomas Thompson

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Highland Games and Festivals
« on: May 10, 2008, 08:37:52 AM »
   For the first time in nearly 400 years Clan Thom(p)son Answered the signal fire calling all clans at the 10th annual Triad Highland Games, May 2nd 2008 at Greensboro, NC.  For me it was a moment that sent a thrill and catch in my voice.  On that night, I was taking part in a history that goes back to 16th century when signal fires were lighted on the watch towers as a call to arms for defense of the homeland against invaders. All, but one, of the clan representatives went out of their way to welcome Clan Thompson into their midst.  It was a good games and we had a grand time.  We added several names to our roll of petitioners to Lyon Court supporting re-establishing our clan. I was quite pleased when the President of Clan Campbell signed our petition.

   The next big event for Clan Thom(p)son will be the Glasgow Highland Games, Glasgow KY.  The games will start the on May29th with evening entertainment. and continue through Sun, June 1st.  Clan Thompson Society will be conducting our first ever General Membership Meeting (AGM) Saturday night in the Baron River Campgrounds.  Following the meeting we will have a feast prepared by our ladies, and perhaps even entertainment by Richard Todd on his new bagpipes. Just kidding.  Several members are planning on attending; I hope to see you there! Tom

« Last Edit: May 18, 2008, 10:42:07 AM by Thomas Thompson »

Thomas Thompson

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Re: Highland Games and Festivals
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2008, 02:36:08 PM »
Babs and I took a great trip to three Highland Games last month. The first was" Loch Norman" always a first class venue. Friday night 'The Calling of the Clans" was an awe inspiring event!!!
Saturday and Sunday:The games seemed to be down a little bit from last year, but it was still an excellent event! The "Donnachaidh Clan" (Bab's clan) took me in and allowed me to take part in the "Parade of Tartan's", since I wouldn't march with the Mactavish's. The Donnachaidh's put together large contingent, about 10 or 12 people. The Mactavish's had 5,( 2 men, 2 women and 2 children ). So, I felt that we were right to separate from them. If you remember last year we had 8 adults!
All and all Babs and I had a great time.
  Since gas is so expensive we decided it would be best to stay in the area, since we were going to meet Tom & Mary in Greensboro in two weeks, so we thought we would take in the "sumter Games" in Sumter, S.C.. It was a small game (one day) maybe 7 or 8 clan tents.They featured a singer Ed Miller, a really great entertainer. We don't usually buy CD's form these guys but we bought one of his.
  We met a heavy athlete, he was wearing a Mactavish kilt. He was upset at them for not sponsoring him at the games. I think that says alot about Clan Mactavish.
  Anyway, on to Greensboro and "The Triad Games".
  My grandson only lives an hour form Greensboro so it was a great chance for us to get together, and for him to see his first scottish highland games.
 Tom & Mary got there on Friday afternoon so of course we went to "The Calling of the Clans" where Tom was a hit with his "Hide your women and cattle The Thompson's are there" speech.
 Saturday, The five of us manned the tent. Although it was only a one day game it was very well organized. We took part in "The Parade of Tartans", A Salute to Veterans, which Tom, Mary, and I marched in and there was the" Border Reiver Challenge" that I entered. Bows and arrows, sword play ax and knife throwing and Jousting (on a wheel barrow). It was great fun but I really need practice!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 We are looking forward to the next games in Glasgow. Bye for now. Fred and Babs.

Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family favorites at AOL Food.

« Last Edit: September 12, 2008, 07:57:34 AM by Forum_mgr »


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Re: Highland Games and Festivals
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2008, 03:33:37 PM »

Glasgow, KY games the end of May and 1st weekend of June will be the site of the first annual Clan Thom(p)son Society AGM.  Plan to attend on Saturday night - you can stop by the clan tent during the day to get the specifics --- low key and casual from what I understand.  GOOD LUCK and hope you have a good crowd!

Make your plans and support your clan!



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Re: Highland Games and Festivals
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2008, 10:06:35 AM »

Paula Cash Womack

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Re: Highland Games and Festivals
« Reply #4 on: May 19, 2008, 07:58:36 AM »
First, we couldn't get to the Triad games but are very excited about the reception y'all received from the other clans. 

Second, we are really looking forward to the Glasgow weekend.

And lastly, there's no way some of us will be locked up if Stevie is around... we do like men in kilts!  right ladies?

Have a great Monday!



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Re: Highland Games and Festivals
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2008, 04:20:34 PM »
Kilts are considered sort of like uniforms, right?  And we ALL know about men in uniform.........they're all handsome devils!

Planning the food for the get-together Saturday night at Glasgow.....Pam and I are making barbecue (sloppy joes) and will have hot dogs for kids who may not want sloppy joes.....chips, drinks, desserts and salad.  You will be hearing more about this as we get closer and figure out that we need HELP!

This is exciting ...... a first, for sure!


Steve Thompson

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Re: Highland Games and Festivals
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2008, 05:49:59 PM »
Will we be represented at grandfather mountain?

Thomas Thompson

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Re: Highland Games and Festivals
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2008, 07:45:16 AM »
Hello Steve

    You asked yesterday if we will be represented at Grandfather Mountain?
The short answer is no.  We (I) have never been to their games and have heard horror stories about how difficult it is to attend.
I suspect that it might be a great games and would seriously consider going next year.  We received a very nice invatition from the Chair of the Savanna SC games and I think I would like to try that also next year.
   I am getting forgetful - old age - Did I say that we received a very nice thank you note from the Chair. of The Glasgow Ky games and they asked us to attend again next year. First time we have ever received a thank you note from a game/event Chair.
Steve if you go to Grandfather will you give us a report on what teh other clans think about attending, ease of setting up, acess, transportation etc.
  We will have a good representation at the Estas Park games in CO this year.

Stirling Thompson

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Re: Highland Games and Festivals
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2008, 08:39:29 AM »
Hello!... Hello!... Anybody out there?

Seems like it's been days since anyone posted anything. I know it's summertime and lots of folks are on vacation (including me), but please take a minute and let us know you're here.

I have three of my grandsons with me for a few more days before I have to take them back to Maine. Dottie and I took them to the 6th Annual Blackstone Valley Celtic Festival yesterday and they had a good time although it was a long day, especially for the youngest one. The festival is more Irish than Scots in nature although it did have one pipe band and featured a group called Poor Angus among the musical talent for the day and they had a Men in Kilts contest that I'll have to enter if I ever get my kilt. The festival was held at Indian Ranch on beautiful Lake Chargogagogmanchaugagogchabunagungamaug aka Webster Lake. It's an old Indian word meaning 'you fish on your side, I'll fish on my side, and no one will fish in the middle' so I'm told. I'm also told it's a requirement for local scouts to learn how to pronounce it.

Next month I'm hoping to take the another trip to Maine to attend the Maine Highland Games to be held August 16th in Brunswick, ME. It should be lots of fun. Clan Murray is the Honored Clan this year and the entertainment will feature the world renowned Scottish band the Tannahill Weavers.
Semper Fidelis! Semper Familia!


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Re: Highland Games and Festivals
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2008, 10:43:18 AM »
Hi Stu -

We're still here too......I've been waiting for some 'excelsior' posts to show up too, but guess we're in the summer doldrums.

We've been working on the latest letter to Lord Lyon and more research for it...sent it off, so maybe we'll have some breathing room for awhile.

I'm doing some research on lodging for the Gathering - do you still plan to go? Will it be the 2 of you or more?  Let me know and I'll see what I can find to pass along......

Paula Cash Womack

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Re: Highland Games and Festivals
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2008, 01:54:36 PM »

As I understand it, we can't make reservations via internet til mid August.  But I think email might get a response.  I'm looking too.



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Re: Highland Games and Festivals
« Reply #11 on: July 13, 2008, 07:18:26 PM »
Hi Paula -

How many in your family are planning on going?  Maybe I have some places you might be interested in.....


Stirling Thompson

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Re: Highland Games and Festivals
« Reply #12 on: July 14, 2008, 05:11:36 AM »

If we can manage the funds it will be just Dottie and I making the trip it is awfully expensive from what I've seen so far. If you have anything to share on what you've found so far please do. You might want to consider a flight to Glasgow then go to Edinburgh by rail. Iceland Air currently has a fairly reasonable price on a flight from Boston to Glasgow. It would be nice if we could get a group rate somehow for at least the lodging portion. I'm still looking anyways.
Semper Fidelis! Semper Familia!

Paula Cash Womack

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Re: Highland Games and Festivals
« Reply #13 on: July 14, 2008, 07:21:24 AM »
Mary, if it passes the funds part, there will be 4 of us.  Jim, Michelle, Kristy and myself.  (Looking at 2 rooms or family apartments)


Thomas B. Thompson

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Re: Highland Games and Festivals
« Reply #14 on: July 14, 2008, 09:59:52 AM »
 Right now things look good for barbara and I for the Gathering in Scotland.
If the group lodging thing works or loding info, we will need 2 rooms as there
will be three us.
Tom and Barbara