Babs and I took a great trip to three Highland Games last month. The first was" Loch Norman" always a first class venue. Friday night 'The Calling of the Clans" was an awe inspiring event!!!
Saturday and Sunday:The games seemed to be down a little bit from last year, but it was still an excellent event! The "Donnachaidh Clan" (Bab's clan) took me in and allowed me to take part in the "Parade of Tartan's", since I wouldn't march with the Mactavish's. The Donnachaidh's put together large contingent, about 10 or 12 people. The Mactavish's had 5,( 2 men, 2 women and 2 children ). So, I felt that we were right to separate from them. If you remember last year we had 8 adults!
All and all Babs and I had a great time.
Since gas is so expensive we decided it would be best to stay in the area, since we were going to meet Tom & Mary in Greensboro in two weeks, so we thought we would take in the "sumter Games" in Sumter, S.C.. It was a small game (one day) maybe 7 or 8 clan tents.They featured a singer Ed Miller, a really great entertainer. We don't usually buy CD's form these guys but we bought one of his.
We met a heavy athlete, he was wearing a Mactavish kilt. He was upset at them for not sponsoring him at the games. I think that says alot about Clan Mactavish.
Anyway, on to Greensboro and "The Triad Games".
My grandson only lives an hour form Greensboro so it was a great chance for us to get together, and for him to see his first scottish highland games.
Tom & Mary got there on Friday afternoon so of course we went to "The Calling of the Clans" where Tom was a hit with his "Hide your women and cattle The Thompson's are there" speech.
Saturday, The five of us manned the tent. Although it was only a one day game it was very well organized. We took part in "The Parade of Tartans", A Salute to Veterans, which Tom, Mary, and I marched in and there was the" Border Reiver Challenge" that I entered. Bows and arrows, sword play ax and knife throwing and Jousting (on a wheel barrow). It was great fun but I really need practice!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are looking forward to the next games in Glasgow. Bye for now. Fred and Babs.
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