Author Topic: New member  (Read 38286 times)

Pamela K. Thompson

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Re: New member
« Reply #15 on: March 25, 2009, 09:08:37 AM »
Greetings from me! I'm Jimmie's wife Karma, to create a little confusion,my given name is Pamela. Jimmie nicknamed me Karma about 17 years ago for his own and it stuck! Now that's all I use except on my legal stuff. He registered me as Karma so Karma I am! I am also the mother of Katey Jean, the witty witty teenager that introduced herself to you all by hijacking her Dad's Clan Forum i.d. and changing the password unbeknownst to him. Ahhhh... the mystery and challenge of living with a teen. I believe she did this from the guidance counselor's office at school!  :) I am so excited to be part of this and that Kate has taken an interest. I am actually the geneologist par excellance of the family and have a membership and Family Tree at I can link you to it so you can see what I have so far. If interested take a look. I will try to post frequently, but don't think I have lost interest if I don't as I work 3 12 hour night shifts a week as an RN at our local hospital and I have a teen, and a garden, and a house, and a dog, and a pretty darn good Scots/Irish husband sooooo....! We are planning on going to the Highland Games in KC in June, anybody been there? By-the-by, my ancestry is Irish/Swiss maternally and Cherokee/who the heck knows paternally. I'm happy and proud to claim a spot in Clan Thompson as a Scot!


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Re: New member
« Reply #16 on: March 25, 2009, 09:20:32 AM »
Welcome Busy Woman!  Yikes!  As long as you promise to drop in and chat with us when you get a chance!

We kind of wondered about Katey logging in under her HE was surprised when his login didn't work!!

Having a whole family posting is something new for us, and very welcome! A lot of our members, unfortunately, don't take the time to post. I can tell by looking at the number of people online that they're reading, but they don't post. So...thank you one and all!

If you have any specific questions, let us know  Don't forget to send the family Thompson data on to our genealogist for inclusion in our own database.  Please, do give us a link...we've had several people connect to unknown 'cousins' through the site.  My husband and Dan Thompson in Colorado have discovered through DNA testing that they have a mutual ancestor 7 generations back in Scotland. Unfortunately, both have a missing generation before that!  Arghhhhh!

Again, welcome to the Funny Farm! ::)


Pamela K. Thompson

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Re: New member
« Reply #17 on: March 25, 2009, 09:27:49 AM »
Mary and all. Just log into and look at Jimmie Neal Thompson's family tree. If you can't see everything then I'm afraid I would need to "invite" you individually. That entails my having your e-mail address. Many would not be comfortable with that. My e-mail address is and I'm posting this in good faith of my clansmen. If you do anything naughty, tell on yah I will!

Stirling Thompson

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Re: New member
« Reply #18 on: March 25, 2009, 09:33:26 AM »
Welcome Karma! As you can see it gets to a madhouse around here at times but it looks that might the normal situation around your house. I can sympathize, I went through two teenage daughters and have a granddaughter rapidly approaching that stage.
Semper Fidelis! Semper Familia!

Beverly Kohn(Thompson)

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Re: New member
« Reply #19 on: March 25, 2009, 10:01:00 AM »
  I love the nickname Karma, it's beautiful. Just wanted to welcome you to the clan,family,SIS! Can never have to many sisters in this this world even if at times we butt heads. Welcome,welcome
    Yours in family and spirit
  (I hope the best you've seen will be the worst you ever see!)
 a little saying I read somewhere that  I truly love


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Re: New member
« Reply #20 on: April 13, 2009, 08:17:25 PM »
Hello Karma and a warm welcome!  Hummm..Karma....must mean you and your husband were meant to be together in this life.  :D  Are you working off bad karma or good karma... ;D 

Sounds like you lead a busy, busy life.  I do admire RN's, your hours are tough, but it's tougher to be the mother of a teenager.   ;D  Hello Katey Jean!   ;D  I went through two teen daughters and two teen granddaughters, one is still in her teens.  They can be a joy and at the same time trouble all wrapped up in a pretty package.   ;D  Sounds like your Katey Jean has a good sense of humor, that was a funny story about her using her dad's password then changing it.  ;D

Post when you can, I'm looking forward to them.

In Clanship
"Kindness is the language the deaf can hear and the blind can see." - Mark Twain

Pamela K. Thompson

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Re: New member
« Reply #21 on: May 22, 2009, 08:35:54 PM »
Bev and Barbara, I am sorry I have not been on the forum in over a month and I do want to thank you for your welcome. You know my patients always ask me if I'm good Karma or Bad Karma and I always tell them it all depends on how they treat me! What am I working off? Well, THAT'S A VERY GOOD QUESTION! I have such a rich life and sooooo much to be thankful for. But there are always thorns. The Garden is mostly in and we have enjoyed lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, a little spinach, radish, and green onions. The peas and potatoes are blooming and I have been pinching blooms from the tomatoes for a month now. I never let them bloom until after June 1st so I have healthy roots and plants to bear all of those tomatoes, we have 17 plants this year. The sweet peppers are starting to bloom now too. The cucumbers and pole beans are starting to want to climb and my herbs are just beautiful this year.Kate is out asof today. She has opted to take summer school for PE and Health. Mostly to be with her friends. She is at a birthday sleepover tonight.She got a Presidential Education Recognition Award this year for maintaining an A average through middle school (WE called it Jr. High) and scoring in the 99th percentile in Math and English on the Common Assessment. Hey, I almost forgot, she competed in a regional EXTEMPORE in Kansas City at he end of April and took 1st place for her Soliloquy as the Fairy Queen from Shakespeare's " A Midsummer Night's Dream" . Her team also won 1st place for their original skit incorporating 4 of Shakespeare's plays. She is an awesome performer and my heart stopped beating I swear, while she was performing. She blew everyone out of the water! Can't tell I'm proud Huh? I have a picture of her in her "costume" if I can figure out how to post it I will.  Funny Mom story with that costume. She was told that costuming carried no points for the individual event. Then 30 minutes before she was to perform her teacher, who took these kids to the competition, came through saying costuming carried points! We all panicked as she had none for this event. Luckily, I drove up in the car instead of riding on the school bus and Kate turns to me and says "MOM!!, Will you try to find something?!!!???" I jumped in the car and long story short , took off in an unknown suburb and 20 minutes later returned with a "costume" from Dollar General! 2 white sheers, 1 Royal purple sheer, 1 small yellow Memorial Day wreath,(they had no purple or white), one pair of scissors, bobby pins and 1 pair of white ballet type house shoes, I cut a head hole in the white, (she wouldn't stand still for the second one, she had 5 minutes to performance) and arm holes in the purple, she put on the ballet shoes and we pinned the wreath in her hair ( I drove with one hand and cut the center out of the wreath with the other on the way back to the competition.) She went on cool as a cucumber and peformed perfectly. The other teacher from our school whispered ,"Where did you come up with that costume?" I told her I was channeling Scarlet O'Hara and Carol Burnett.   Did I mention I have rich life? And Jim and I meant to be together? Yeah, I think so.    Michael, I read that your wife and daughter went to a dance competition, How did that go? Oh Hey, I forgot, we  have STRAWBERRIES, loads. And since we are organic we can eat them while we pick and I have managed to get enough into the house to make a fresh strawberry pie AND get some in the freezer. That is no mean feat as Katey Jean, Pixie that she is can put away some strawberries and when she sees that posted I'll be in for a tongue lashing, one of the things she does best! ;)  I've got to go to bed now. I work this crazy memorial day weekend & since we live at The Lake of The Ozarks, it's usually pretty busy and most hospitalizations are Alcohol related. Excess drink and big fast boats or PWD's sometimes don't mix too well. Oh well, job security I guess. G'night all.
In the Clan, Karma.

Thomas Thompson

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Re: New member
« Reply #22 on: May 26, 2009, 09:05:24 AM »
Hi Karma

    Sounds like you excel at improvising on short notice and still come out on top.  I had hoped all of you would be able to make it to the AGM so we could meet, iron out our genelogy links and plan on what further great things are in store for our society. I need help in creating a way to include the next generation in our affairs and hopfully build up a sustainable interest among our children.

Pamela K. Thompson

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Re: New member
« Reply #23 on: May 26, 2009, 07:13:42 PM »
Tom, I so wish that we could have been there and if Katey Jean was not already booked to go to New York City for 3 days on a educational tour it took us 8 months to pay for :o, we sure would have tried to swing it. As to how we can attract youth, well that's a tough one. Kate is interested and is excited about the Games in K.C., especially the music. She's Thompson enough that nothing can be forced on her but we hope with exposure she will get a really invested interest. Maybe if we could get the kids to post in the forum or on facebook or whatever and at least get aquainted they might be hooked, I don't know. See Kate's comment on Clan Thompson Facebook. We hope that now we have a connection we will be able to plan to get to the AGM every year. With my work I have to know months in advance when I need a block of time off so I can REQUEST it and hope to get it. Jim has expressed an interest in DNA testing but being in the medical field I worry as to how all of that genetic info could be used. I'm on Ancestry right now as well and will check into what their testing involves.  Later gater, with you in spirit!  Karma


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Re: New member
« Reply #24 on: June 14, 2009, 02:09:38 AM »
Hey Y'all,

Have you noticed that we already have a bunch of new members on the Forum and it's just the middle of the month!

Welcome to everyone  ;D

Please, Please, Please introduce yourselves and post just a wee message to let us know who you all are!  Everyone is welcome here!


Stirling Thompson

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Re: New member
« Reply #25 on: June 14, 2009, 10:23:23 AM »
I agree with Donna! Welcome to all the newbies! By all means introduce yourselves and join the pandemonium! Have you noticed... we're almost into triple digits in membership! Four more is all we need and what a milestone that will be!
Semper Fidelis! Semper Familia!

Pamela K. Thompson

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Re: New member
« Reply #26 on: June 14, 2009, 05:53:32 PM »
We're back from the  KC games! We had a blast! Met Lowell and got some photos I will soon post and on Facebook too. We met a new Thompson David and his wife and little boy Simon, they will very soon welcome a new wee lass too. I gave him all the Clan Thompson info and we talked a little geneology and I think we share ancestors! I just know Lowell and Jim are related, They have exactly the same color eyes! We always called it Thompson blue! We watched Lowell and David compete in the Games, they are in the same weight class. We heard some awesome music, Katey became a groupie for Tartanic and will you believe this KATEY COMPETED IN THE HIGHLAND WRESTLING! I HAVE PHOTOS! SHE WENT 3 ROUNDS WITHOUT BEING THROWN! She lost because her hands were sweaty and she lost her grip. I couldn't believe she did that! She also made 3 new friends. She loved it. We even tried Haggis... no thanks. Welcome all new members!!!! Glad to have you!!!