Author Topic: What a way to make a living!  (Read 12234 times)

Stirling Thompson

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What a way to make a living!
« on: May 07, 2008, 09:50:23 AM »
Ever find in your genealogical research where your ancestor was shown to have an occupation such as cordwainer or tallow chandler and you had no idea what that meant? Here's a few for your consideration and a link to a nice glossary of terms you may encounter in your research.

cordwainer - A worker in cordwain, or cordovan leather; a shoemaker
joy(i)ner - a woodworker whose work involves making things by joining pieces of wood
pannyerman - (sp? pannier) a clothing hoop maker... or... a basket maker
cooper - barrel maker
fellmonger - A dealer in fells or sheepskins, who separates the wool from the pelts.
fishmonger - someone who sells fish
pinner - a pin maker (?)
draper - a dealer in fabrics and sewing materials (and sometimes in clothing and drygoods)
haberdasher - a merchant who sells men's clothing
sad(d)ler - a maker and repairer and seller of equipment for horses
tallow chandler - a maker (and seller) of candles and soap and oils and paints
whitesmith - A worker in iron who finishes or polishes the work, in distinction from one who forges it.
                 One who works in tinned or galvanized iron, or white iron; a tinsmith.
stationer - a merchant who sells writing materials and office supplies
mercer - a dealer in textiles (especially silks)
saddletreemaker - maker of the frame of a saddle
dyer - someone whose job is to dye cloth
brazier - somebody who works on brass articles
pewterer - One whose occupation is to make utensils of pewter; a pewtersmith.
apothecary - One who prepares and sells drugs or compounds for medicinal purposes
hosier - a tradesman who sells hosiery and (in England) knitwear
flaxdresser - one who breaks and swingles flax, or prepares it for the spinner.
   Swin"gle, n. A wooden instrument like a large knife, about two feet long, with one    
             thin edge, used for beating and cleaning flax; a scutcher; -- called also swingling    
             knife, swingling staff, and swingling wand.
cutler - a dealer in cutlery
yeoman - in former times was free and cultivated his own land
furry(i)er - someone whose occupation is making or repairing fur garments
millo(i)ner - someone who makes and sells hats
glover - One whose trade it is to make or sell gloves.
stapler - A dealer in staple goods.  or One employed to assort wool according to its staple.
girdler - leather worker who made girdles and belts, chiefly for the Army

For lots more look here:
Semper Fidelis! Semper Familia!


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Re: What a way to make a living!
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2008, 10:10:05 AM »
Thanks Stu!

Interesting...... I knew quite a few of them because of doing 18th century reenacting for many years....I've WORN panniers, dipped candles, and made rope.

Oddly, one of my ancestors was a weaver - and so am I. Maybe blood "will out?"
