Author Topic: New to the forum  (Read 27209 times)


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New to the forum
« on: January 17, 2009, 06:03:56 PM »
Hello everyone. Sorry this is so long, but I'm a long winded old coot.
My name is Jim Sawyer, I'm 60-years-old and I live in Orlando Florida. I don't have to go back very far to trace my Scottish roots; my Mum was born a Thomson, in Glenshee, Scotland. She met my dad, an American from Tenn., when she was just out of her teens. They were married and moved to the U.S. Some extended time after they had three other sons, I was born.

I'm here at the e-mail invitation of Stu Thompson. It seems he came across the Scotland/Thomson page I have on my personal Web site.

A few weeks ago, I was surfing 'Thomson' like I do about four times a year, reading all the prattle on the DHA site. I've been monitoring everything said about the name Thomson since the early days of computers and bulletin boards. (Yes, I'm a computer geek, I write html, Java and a few other code languages.)

It was about 3 a.m.; I had two or three Glenmorangie's in me and got pissed, in both ways. So, I set up a Google-mail address and dropped a few paragraphs on my page that basically said;

'I don't know about my fellow Thomson's, but I have had enough of Clan politics and people claiming us like we are Scottish cattle. We are a proud Clan with a history of poets, teachers and statesmen. So, if you are a Thomson, sharpen your basket-hilt and send me an e-mail at and I'll start a database. We will form the unofficial Clan Thomson U.S.A. It's FREE.'

I offered to to post a Web site and send out membership cards, no charge.

I put "Clan Thomson USA" on my site as satire. I had had enough of the stuff I had read dealing with the DHA and other clans claiming Thomson. A few years back Dugald contacted me about the Scottish page I had up then. Back then there were not as many personal Web pages as now and some how he found me. He sent me some info and I was happy to post some of his stuff on my site. Then this mess started

Love me or hate me I really don't give a damn who's Chief. I'm an American with Scot in my heritage and proud of it, but American first. I'd love to know my history back to the 1300's but as far as I can get is around 1550, but it's not going to change anything if I trace it back to year 0, and I don't plan to go bent knee to anyone. I've been there and seen where my Mum, grand parents and great grand parents lived and died, that is really as far back as it matters to me.

Something a very wise person told me one time, 'There's not just one answer.' I believe it's the same with us Thom(p)sons. There may not be one ancestor. Just be happy you have the heritage and the claim to the name.

Anyway, like I said, I'd had a few, and I typed my feelings on the site. However, I was surprised to find that I am not the only one with the same feelings.

I understand that groups have differing opinions and sometimes split, but that mess on the Web is the worst kind of publicity I have ever seen. It rubs the Thomson name in the mud, and that makes me angry. It looks like a bunch of primary school children in a schoolyard fight. If you want to go out on your own feel free to do so, but don't tarnish the name in the process.

I have worked in TV, news media, Web media and advertising for 40-years, and I can tell you that it's doing more damage than good. You can only compare it to the mud slinging in a political campaign. Think about how you feel and the things people say about a candidates who makes accusations about his or her opponent. It doesn't matter if they are true. The person saying making the statement looks worse than the person they are talking about. It looks like a last ditch effort of a loser.

Forget about the other guy. That's done and over, move on.

It seems from the reading I have done tonight on this forum that Stu and many of you feel some what the same way.
I did already have a link to Clan Thompson Society on my page and had made the comment after it that you seem to have it together.  Then I got an e-mail from Stu Thompson. Stu told me "...we are trying very hard to get our act together and move on from the whole MacTavish/DHA debacle. I'll tell you up front that the CTS grew out of the old DHA membership... but we're working hard now to try and stand on our own."

I answered Stu and at his suggestion I am here to listen and learn. Don't get me wrong I don't make any claim to know the true path. I only answer to myself, but I'd be happy to learn anything you folks can teach me.

One thing, I did find it odd that in spite of the fact that you say you had an election and elected officers and were an 'official' group, I can not find a list of officers on the Web site. In fact, I can't find any group information. There is no information on size of the group, officers, state of residence, tax status, bylaws, mailing, nothing. In the metatags, M. Thompson is responsible for the Web site content. I don't know if that means M. Thompson is their Web master, group leader or supervising site editor. The copyright is owned by "Clan Thompson Society," so you have to be a valid entity or the copyright would not be valid.

(Metatags, for you non-html code types, are the gibberish you see when you select "View" + "Page Source" in your browser. Meta tags used to help search engines rank sites. They don't use it any more for that, but it's a great place to imbed copyright and other site information as well a function code.)
Anyway, to make a long story short, yea, I know too late, I'm here to listen and even drop in an opinion from time to time. If I like what I hear I might join, if you'll have me after you hear what I say.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2013, 05:55:34 PM by Mary »

Thomas Thompson

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Re: New to the forum
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2009, 09:58:41 PM »
Welcome to Clan Thom(p)son Society.
   I hope you will take the time to visit our tent at the Central Fla Games - since you live near there it should be no problem.
I note all you have said and I am not sure just what you want to know.  The society is a legally established corporation.  We mail copies of our by-laws, the officers' and commissioner's names and contact information to our members as part of their new member package. We decided not to publish personal information on the web page because of personal attacks our officers have received in the past.
    The web page is about Clan Thom(p)son!!! That is the prime focus of our organization - in fact, that is the total reason for our organization.  The society is the means by which we can further the growth of Clan Thompson. If we wanted some kind of celebrity status with empty words like the last political contest, we would have lots of articles about us, and pictures of us (along with fawning articles about how great we are) on our web site too.
   What we do have, is a forum for people like you who may or may not be members of the society. Those who post on the forum are interested in one thing - Clan Thompson and the search for their personal history. We have had close and personal contact with chiefs and don't really want to repeat that 
   We are forced into a situation where we have to have Lord Lyon's recognition to be able to participate in the larger games. It's a fact of life we'll deal with it. If the members are not happy with what the directors are doing, they can either run themselves or vote in a new slate.

Stirling Thompson

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Re: New to the forum
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2009, 11:17:05 AM »
Welcome aboard Jim! Glad you took me up on the invitation. Look around, meet the family, speak your mind and try to have some fun in the process.
Semper Fidelis! Semper Familia!

Beverly Kohn(Thompson)

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Re: New to the forum
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2009, 12:06:51 PM »
     Welcome Jim!!  I want to welcome you to clan thompson society. I think you will find a feeling of family and clan here and will be treated with the respect you and everyone deserves. We only want to celebrate our clan and our newly found friendships and our histories together. I don't believe you will find anyone here that's willing to go on bent knees to do any kilted butt kissing (unless it is for romantic reasons! ha,ha). welcome and please help us in our journey for information.
        In spirit and family,with a little attitude


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Re: New to the forum
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2009, 04:28:44 PM »
Hello Jim, and a warm welcome to the Thom(p)son forum, and I hope someday a Clan Thompson Society member.  :D  You sound just like the kind of alpha type male Thompson we welcome.  I think all our male Thompsons are alpha types.  ;)  Way to go Stu!  :D  The females are pretty much alpha types too, take charge, go getter's, eh girls?  ;D 

I look forward to taking a look at your site as time permits.  Do try to go to the Central Florida Games as we will have a tent there and you can look some of us over to see if you really want to cavort with the likes of us.  ;D ;D ;D


"Kindness is the language the deaf can hear and the blind can see." - Mark Twain


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Re: New to the forum
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2009, 09:35:43 PM »
I am truly sorry I could not make the Orlando games. It's the first one we have missed in the last 7 years. I wanted to shoot some video. My wife was ill and I refused to take her out in the cold. We hope to hit the Dunedin Highland Games.

I intended no offence when I mention the lack of officers and group information on the Web site. It’s just that I’m a web designer and contact info, media contact, etc. seem to be a basic part of the contact page. It is of course your choice, but people feel more comfortable if they have a name to e-mail, even a membership coordinator, PR or media coordinator would be great.

Thanks Stu for the invite.  Alpha male! Heck I’m too old to even want that job. I tend to run off at the keyboard because I’ve been a writer and news reporter for a living, it’s an occupational hazard.

I think I’ve ranted enough for a spell. I’ll just listen in and drop in my two cents if I have an opinion.


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Re: New to the forum
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2009, 07:13:06 AM »
Hello Barbara;

Thanks for the welcome. I am going to join.  What is an alpha type? Jimmie


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Re: New to the forum
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2009, 11:42:28 AM »
Hi Jimmie, any male Thompson in this group is an alpha male to my way of thinking.  ;D  A braw man who takes charge and is not afraid to stand up for what he believes in.
(Braw: Scots word for attractive, handsome, grand, fine, super) Which all the Thompson and Cash men I know are.  :D

"Kindness is the language the deaf can hear and the blind can see." - Mark Twain

Thomas Thompson

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Re: New to the forum
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2009, 05:09:37 PM »
Hello Jim
   I hope your wife is on the road to recovery.  I wanted you to meet some of our members(as it were face to face) at the Central Fl games. I was sure that they would be able to answer any of your questions.
   We never even considered your questions as an offense.  We are working  to improve the web site and had not  considered putting Society information there.  The biggest revision is the History section.     I am trying to compile a history of Clan Thomson and the Thompson family to replace the history on the web page and that has taken far longer than I planned.
   We will consider any and all suggestions to improve the site, so please continue.


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Re: New to the forum
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2009, 01:18:38 PM »
Hello Jim S., I've been looking over your web site and think it's great.  Wow! you have a lot of information on it that is sure to help people looking for Scottish information.  Haven't read it all yet, but will get around to it.  Love the pictures!

"Kindness is the language the deaf can hear and the blind can see." - Mark Twain