Author Topic: she's back!!!  (Read 26982 times)

Beverly Kohn(Thompson)

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she's back!!!
« on: December 01, 2014, 02:34:39 PM »
The Kentucky Celtic Lass is back! I have missed being an active member for so long and am so excited to be back with my second family again, you all have been in my thoughts and prayers and it is so good to be back home! I've kept tabs a little reading what I could on the forum and am so sorry for the losses and troubles everyone has had or have gone through, but like that old dog, life might knock us down a little but it will never keep us Thompsons down long. To Tom and Mary and everyone else that has worked so long and hard for recognition ,congratulations and I am so proud of you, you are such an example of Thompson pride and tenassity [maybe a little hard-headedness?thank God],all good qualities I might add,thank you so very much , it will be such a great story to pass on to the next generations. I 'll stop rattling on now just excited to be back,God Bless you all and look forward to many more talks, yours in family, Bev


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Re: she's back!!!
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2014, 08:48:23 PM »
Hey Bev,
What a wonderful Christmas surprise! Welcome home sweetie pie  :D


Stirling Thompson

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Re: she's back!!!
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2014, 02:58:14 PM »
Bev, welcome back! Hope you stick around a bit longer this time.
Semper Fidelis! Semper Familia!

Beverly Kohn(Thompson)

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Re: she's back!!!
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2014, 03:32:09 PM »
Thank you Donna and Stu for your kind welcome, and yes I will be around a long time now as it seems somebody needs to shake things up around here I've seen livelier cemeteries then the action on here, what's up guys? You all have worked so hard and so long for our clan to get the recognition and respect we deserve lets celebrate-- better late than never!!


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Re: she's back!!!
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2014, 10:28:58 PM »
Hey Bev!  Welcome home!

And as for nobody posting --- well, you're preaching to the choir!  We've tried everything we can think of, but everyone just wants to READ and not ADD TO the forum. We got a notice today that we've had 38,000 hits on the forum......and nada. Oh well, at least those who are reading are getting something out of it still..... we're going up about 1000 hits a month from unregistered users.

Anyway, for those of us who read it and try to keep up - we always answer and Tom and I are so happy to see you back  ;D

Mary (and Tom)

Beverly Kohn(Thompson)

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Re: she's back!!!
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2014, 09:17:02 PM »
Thank you Mary, I miss talking to you and Tom so much, and am so glad to be back with good hearted ,positive people again, you all are such a blessing and fine examples of the   way I wish everyone could be with a little effort.

Thomas B. Thompson

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Re: she's back!!!
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2014, 12:33:16 AM »
Welcome back !
My dad, grand father and 4 more generations of great grand fathers are were from Kentucky ( Harlan County ).
Don't  know where all their kids wandered off to, I believe most of them stayed in the general area. I also have a name
of a Sara Thompson who lives in Miracle, KY. I'd like to find out if any of your Thompsons might match up with any of mine.

Anyways, welcome back.

Best wishes,
Tom ( Indiana )

Beverly Kohn(Thompson)

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Re: she's back!!!
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2014, 08:16:26 PM »
Thank you for the nice welcome Thomas, great to talk to you also. The farthest we've been able to get back to is my Great-Great Grandfather William C. Thompson and as of yet have no birth date for him or where he was born. His son, my Great Grandfather ,James A. "Jimmy" Thompson was born Aug. 6th 1859 in Barren County,Ky. and buried in an old church yard in Poplar Springs, Ky. next to his father. Our family has a long history with that old church. James married Mary Lindsay in 1880 in Edmonson County, Ky. My Dads' father and mother married there and are buried in Sweeden Ky. just up the road a bit.Most of my dads' family settled there until after WWII when the brothers went to Louisville for work. We have heard talk that William came to Ky. through West Virginia but that was from an Aunt that wasn't very healthy at the time, so we didn't really accept everything she said. She also said he had an accent that she thought was Gaelic, coincedence? I was young then too, and full of questions for everyone and may not remember correctly who said what, you know? My Mother was not a big fan of finding out about the past [afraid of what she would find out- have some McCoys on her side!!} We're down to just us cousins now and are going through old papers and Bibles, photos and things, so the search is still on. I do remember something about them settling in Glasgow, KY. but that is vague also. I am a lover of history and will find out the truth, its a life's mission. Whether I find out We're from Scotland or not I have a deep feeling inside for that country that I can't explain, since I was a young child it can't be a coincedence, it's too strong. Anyway, I will let you guys know what I find as I find it and we can all enjoy our adventures together.