Author Topic: Columbus, IN Scottish Games  (Read 17097 times)


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Columbus, IN Scottish Games
« on: September 18, 2013, 12:06:49 PM »
Hello all, John and I had the privilege of attending the Columbus, IN Scottish Games the 14th and 15th of this month.  The weather was perfect, the crowds were large and best of all we got to see, eat and visit with our friends/kin again.  Since we gave up camping we don't get to go as often as we would like.  We arrived at our motel around 4:30 and was able to meet "the gang" at the Texas Roadhouse for supper around 7:30.  It was such a pleasure to meet our new family members Cheryll and Paul who flew in from California.  Even though they are young (compared to the rest of us) they fit right in with our Clan family.  It was so good to see Harold, Patsy, Fred, (and meet Fred's lovely Cheryl) Tombo, Barbara, Heidi, Allen, Hannah (and her boyfriend,) cousin Paula, her friend Bill, daughter Michelle, Ted, Pam and last but not least our hard working President Tom and hard working Secretary Mary.   :D

As I said the weather was perfect and our tent, as usual, had the most people, visitors and interest.  I think several new members were signed up.  We certainly had the most Clan members in the Parade of Tartans!  Should have been a prize given for that!  ;D  The men's and women's Games were right behind our tent so we got to see a lot of muscle.   :o  Quite a few vendors, good entertainment, sheep dog trials and old European car showing, re-enactors and living history encampments. 

We had our AGM Saturday evening at the tent and elected a new Vice President, Cheryll (with 2 lls) Thompson.   :D  Congratulations Cheryll!   :D 

We arrived home late Monday afternoon and I miss my Clan family already.  I think a good time was had by all.  :D

"Kindness is the language the deaf can hear and the blind can see." - Mark Twain


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Re: Columbus, IN Scottish Games
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2013, 03:00:55 PM »
We had such a good time at the games, we had to take an extra day to recover before we headed back to Tennessee!  :P

It was a wonderful weekend.

On Friday evening, 6 of us got together at the restaurant waiting for Paul and Cheryll to arrive from the airport. We couldn't get over the fact that they flew from California to come to the AGM in little Columbus, IN. Cheryll was up for Vice President and she wanted a chance to meet the other directors/commissioners/members who were there and to give them a chance to meet her and ask any questions they might have before the election. We laughed and told stories on each other all through dinner - what fun! I have a picture one of the waiters took of us below.

On Saturday, we had 24 members at the tent and the AGM....I think that's a record! They came from far and wide, young and old. We got three new members, sold lots of t-shirts, handed out lots of business cards and talked ourselves hoarse answering questions. We had a great time with the neighboring clans and most had a chance to sit and watch some of the athletics while they enjoyed their sodas and snacks. It was great to see everyone again and to meet Fred's new friend, Cheryl, from Ohio and Cheryll and Paul from California and Hannah's Jeremy (Indiana?). The 'old corps' was there too and we chatted and caught up on family and missing friends. Paula Womack and her daughter, Michelle, were there decked out in their new dresses and lambswool wraps in Thompson blue and camel - lookin' good, ladies! Heidi Thompson and her daughter, Hannah, were there in their beautiful 18th century outfits lending an 'aura' of the Reivers to the tent.

Poor Paul - he had quite a trial with his clan on Sunday. They came around signing up men to represent their clan in the Bonny Knees contest and we all (except for Paul!) nominated him. He was gracious about it though and we thought he should have won. I think he enjoyed it...but he'd never admit it! Got some good pics! Also on Sunday, 21 of us marched (most in their red clan t-shirts) while Barbara Moore was stationed at the tent to take pictures. The 'honored clan' fielded 3 persons for the parade and I think most of the clans had about 2-5 members. We looked like a RED TIDE!
« Last Edit: September 19, 2013, 03:23:31 PM by Mary »


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Re: Columbus, IN Scottish Games
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2013, 09:04:13 AM »
Thanks you two! I guess my new name is 'cheryllwith2ls Thompson'. LOL. The organizer of the Dixon games wrote that on my packet he sent also. Too funny :)

All of you are so nice. And very informative. I learned some new things, met some great new people, and Paul and I can't tell you much we really enjoyed everyone's company. A clan to be reckoned with for sure :)

Heidi and Allan are so nice too. They do a good job out there in Indiana for Clan Thompson.  :D

Our next trip we would like to make would be to meet Michael Thompson, Parker and Lowell out in Colorado. They seem like a fun bunch too! :)

I posted the Indiana Games on our Facebook page and so far I think about 30 people have glanced at it! I will be emailing Allan & Heidi to let them know. I'm sure they will get a great response out there. Sure wish we could get pictures from them!! Maybe he can send them through his phone...? you guys! Hugs to everyone!! OUR FAMILY :)

The best and most beautiful things cannot be seen or even heard. They must be felt with the heart. - Helen Keller


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More Columbus, IN Scottish Games photos
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2013, 09:07:16 AM »
Here are some more pics from the Columbus games!

Clan MacTavish was the Honored Clan at the games and their chief was there on Saturday but wasn't in attendance on Sunday. They were also holding their AGM at the games.

During the games, Harold Bennett 'christened' Paul Jarnagin's new kilt and then we ALL toasted it with some nice Glenlivet! Must be how we talked Paul into the Bonny Knees contest! There was a SCA encampment set up with knights doing battle and a friar, the Vikings North America area, Sons of the American Revolution and quite a few vendors. One vendor had home made ice cream and it was delicious...we went there both days ;) Lots of dancing, sheep dog trials, athletics......a full schedule of events were enough to keep anyone happy. A big plus for us was that we could take our pups with us since we couldn't leave them all day - thank you Columbus!

There were 21 clans and 3 societies represented. Not bad considering they are in competition with a Celtic Festival (not games) in Indianapolis the same weekend! Columbus is an hour's drive south, so for many people the Indy festival was simply closer.

We'd also like to announce the David Martin, who bought a ticket at the Loch Norman games, was the winner of the drawing for the hand made knife. We'll be sending that out yet this week. Congratulations, David!

Don't forget about the Indianapolis Scottish Highland Games & Festival on October 12 ---we'll be looking for you. I don't think anyone has more fun at these than our family, so come.......pull up a chair and sit a spell!
« Last Edit: September 20, 2013, 10:30:48 AM by Mary »

Stirling Thompson

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Re: Columbus, IN Scottish Games
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2013, 12:23:01 PM »
21 to 3... that pretty much shows how it was, is, and always will be!
Semper Fidelis! Semper Familia!


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Re: Columbus, IN Scottish Games
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2013, 01:32:29 PM »
You said it Stirling!!   8)
The best and most beautiful things cannot be seen or even heard. They must be felt with the heart. - Helen Keller


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Re: Columbus, IN Scottish Games
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2013, 06:30:23 PM »
Indeed Stirling said it!  ;D  DENY US NOT! We had so much fun with you all. Cheryll, Paul was such a good sport to enter the Bonniest Knees contest and I think he should have won! Wish the pictures would have turned out better but the sun was on my viewer so I couldn't see what I was taking pictures of.

"Kindness is the language the deaf can hear and the blind can see." - Mark Twain

Thomas Thompson

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Re: Columbus, IN Scottish Games
« Reply #7 on: September 23, 2013, 10:43:56 AM »
WE had a great day at Columbus.  The pictures and descriptions posted all have important facts and I don't want to diminish any of what has been posted.
    The central truth that I found to be most important to me (also included in other posts) is the joy each of us shared by our love for each other.

We think of ourselves as family and, as such, we care for each other. I watched the two score of our members throughout the day and it was most obvious to me that we enjoyed being together..
   I think we are growing because of this connection and I am proud to be a member of Clan Thom(p)son.

  We have had so many new members join this month that I am going to enter their names two posts under the two big games.


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Re: Columbus, IN Scottish Games
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2013, 05:44:40 PM »
Tom, you are so right, there is a lot of love for one another in our Clan family.  If not for you and Mary fighting tooth and nail for the truth there would be no Clan Thompson.  We owe you two so very much for the family, fun and comaraderie we all share when we get together.  I'm so proud to be a member of Clan Thompson.  DENY US NOT!  :D  Love you guys!

In kinship
"Kindness is the language the deaf can hear and the blind can see." - Mark Twain