Author Topic: National Tartan Day  (Read 9151 times)

Michael Thompson

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National Tartan Day
« on: April 08, 2009, 08:16:12 PM »
I hope y'all had a fun National Tartan Day (April 6th)

My son, David, daughter in law, Erin and I celebrated at the East Bay Scots Tartan Day festival, at Ardenwood Historic Farm in Newark, California.    The weather was beautiful, the bands and pipers were wonderful.  Lots of dancing and singing...

We met a cute young couple, Anthony & Tina, who are members of the Clan MacTavish and enjoyed spending the afternoon with them.  After a nice lunch, we all had cake and beer to celebrate Erin's birthday.


We had a lovely Tartan Day here in Colorado, though diminished by ice and snow. Ironic, as we've had one of the warmest winters lately, but March and April are actually our snowiest months. We were predicted to have a foot, but it only turned out to be a couple of inches, which at least didn't hamper traffic, but certainly curtailed the outdoor activities.

Our band played a selection of Robert Burns songs and other Scottish favorites, to a mostly empty room, though more people showed up for some of the other musical events later in the day. The highlight for us was the whisky tasting, featuring classic malts of Scotland, including some good Johnnie Walker. I had never really tried Johnny Walker, but it was pretty good whisky.

Check out my article on I've got this job writing about Celtic music for this web site. It's pretty fun.
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Thomas Thompson

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Re: National Tartan Day
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2009, 10:36:55 AM »
I have received two or three emails about our members attending "Tartan Day"events and I had hoped they would post their experiences.  There is still time to do so.