General Category > Heraldry
Thomson Motto
Allan Thomson:
I have read the previous discussion on a Thomson Motto. I have uncovered a number of Mottos during my research into Thomson Arms. While there are some common themes it is worth noting that each armiger chooses their own Motto. Themes perhaps exist when an armiger chooses to incorporate the Motto of an ancestor, but equally it may be chosen for no other reason than it appeals to the person in question.
The following is a list of mottos (and a few translations) which may be of some interest to those who have delved into the subject of Mottos.
“Honestie is the best policie”, James Thomsone
"Patientia Et Gratia Vinco", George Thomsone of Maynes (I conquer by patience and grace)
“Fato Prudentia Major” , Mr William Thomson of Fairliehope (Prudence is greater than fate)
“Honestie is good policie”, James Thomson Merchant in Kirkaldie
“Amo Honesta”, David Thomsone portioner of Ketle (I admire honest deeds)
“Deus Providebit” , Mr William Thomsone of Fauchfield -- (God will provide)
“Deus Providebit”, Thomas Thomsone of Cocklow, Aberdeen
“Patientia Vinco”,, James Thomson of Wester Bogie -- (I conquer by patience)
“Fortis Et Fidus”,, Thomson of Caltonhill (Strong and faithfull - or perhaps brave and faithful)
“Fortis Et Fidus”,, Primrose Thomson
“Optima Est Veritas”, Thomson, Board of Excise
“Deus Providebit”, Thomson of Buchromb
“Fear not Friendship”, Thomson of Roehampton and Waverley Abbey
“Fortis in Arduis”, Sir John Deas-Thomson, of Norton and the Platts (Brave in difficulties)
“Meminisse Juvabit”, Ringler-Thomson
“Curae Cedit Fatum”, Ringler-Thomson – (Carefulness is a substitute for fortune)
“Suum Cuique”, Ringler-Thomson – (To everyone his own)
“Deus Providebit”, Thomson of Camphil, Renfrew Scotland.
“Vincit Omnia Veritas”, Thomson of Bonaly, -- (Truth conquers all things)
“Optima est Veritas”, Thomson of Dalmuir – (Truth is best)
There are probably some I have missed but this is a fairly comprehensive list.
Allan Thomson
Thomas Thompson:
That list should answer some of our members questions about our motto. If my understanding of the Corporate arms process is correct; when Lyon grants corporate arms the corporation will have the opportunity to select a motto. Additionally, the same motto can be used by differing parties.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
Allan Thomson:
Hi Tom,
That sounds about right to me. I imagine the Clan Thom(p)son Society will have a fair bit of leeway as regards Motto.
Allan Thomson
Parker Thomson:
Whatever the case, the motto should be agreed upon before Lyon Court grants recognition. Maybe adopted on the home page of this website. I would cast my vote for something in Latin, upholding the tradition of Clan Mottos. And the Motto should relate to "Truth" or "Honesty" in it's concept because that seems to be a common thread in the other mottos throughout Thomson history.
Well - Michael has put up a voting offer for selecting a clan motto TWICE and the winner was the traditional "Honestie is the best Policie." Records support this motto as the most often used. Is it my favorite? No, but we are RESURRECTING a clan, not building a new one so our feeling was that we should use IT'S motto.
What think you?
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