General Category > Heraldry
Interesting Coaster from Scotland
Hannah, our young student who has been studying in Scotland for the summer, found two of these coasters.....
Interesting, aren't they??? The motto is similar to "honestie is the best policie' .......wonder if the two were sort of interchangeable as time moved on???
Thank you Hannah (and mom, Heidi, for sending it on!)
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What a nifty idea! Think you could have these made for sale for and to us?
We might be able to get coasters made, but if we get a belted crest, it will probably be front-facing because all the previous Thoms had front-facing. I don't see why we couldn't get them printed onto a tartan background though.......... so many ideas for our future! I like the treatment of the motto, but again..........this is different than the ones we've been seeing.
I wonder where one would buy coasters? Hmmmmmmmmmmm......I'll have a look around :)
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