Author Topic: 2016 New Hampshire Highland games and Festival  (Read 15235 times)

Stirling Thompson

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2016 New Hampshire Highland games and Festival
« on: September 22, 2016, 10:56:44 AM »
Finally! After all these years of being turned away and told we weren't needed Clan Thom(p)son made it to the New Hampshire Highland Games and Festival held at Loon Mountain in Lincoln, NH on Friday, Saturday and Sunday September 16, 17 and 18, 2016. Hooray!

Most of us arrived on Thursday and went over to Loon Mountain to locate our site and set up the tents in preparation for Friday's opening. Dottie and I were the last to arrive and Alan and Heidi and Tom and Mary already had one tent up. We made short work of getting my tent up and deciding what we could leave overnight and what to take back to the motel.

The following morning dawned clear and cold (only 40 degrees) Alan and Heidi, being morning persons, met us at 7:00 am to put the finishing touches on the tent display. We were one of the first ones there so everything was pretty well buttoned up.

It didn't take long to set up everything so we had no problem getting ready before the crowds started coming in around 9:00 am.

The tent display really looked nice and the Reiver board was a big hit with everyone, kids and adults.

The first day I wore the Reiver outfit Dottie made for me and I borrowed the helmet Alan and Heidi brought.

The Lord Lyon, King of Arms was on hand and made the rounds of all the Clan tents and Tom had a lengthy chat with him when he got to us.

The whole weekend was terrific, the weather cooperated every day warming up nicely in the afternoons and the only rain was late Saturday night into Sunday but it stopped before the opening and was overcast but dry all day.

Saturday was the opening ceremonies and we all had wear our tartan for the Parade of Clans so I swapped the Reiver garb for my kilt. And Dottie dressed the part as well.

It was so nice having everyone here and helping out in the tent taking pictures and talking with visitors and signing up new members.
Alan and Heidi came in from Indiana.

Harold and Patsy came also.

Sherry and Robert as well.

Along with Paula and daughter Michelle.

And of course Tom..

and Mary.

I guess we must have behaved because Robin said we are invited back next year. Hooray!

More pictures are out on Photobucket here...
« Last Edit: September 23, 2016, 02:43:44 PM by Mary »
Semper Fidelis! Semper Familia!