Author Topic: Passenger lists - Ulster Scots - free pages  (Read 61219 times)


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Passenger lists - Ulster Scots - free pages
« on: February 07, 2008, 02:03:43 PM »

Good luck!  Didn't find my link here, but there's some good information.....


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Re: Passenger lists - Ulster Scots - free pages
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2008, 04:42:17 PM »
Wow!  What a wealth of information here for those of Scots/Irish ancestry.  Thanks Moira for posting this!

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Re: Passenger lists - Ulster Scots - free pages
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2008, 08:14:19 PM »
Thank you Moira!

Donna Lingren


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Re: Passenger lists - Ulster Scots - free pages
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2011, 03:23:27 PM »
Many thanks to Moira for providing these references.

I have been using this (with my math process) and I have made some interesting progress. The lists that do not contain the Thom(p)son name tell just as much as those that do. I noted very few Tomo's (Ireland) migrating until the mid Nineteenth Century suggesting many were comfortable prior to the famine influences and the demise of the tenant farming arrangements enjoyed since the commencement of the 'Plantationor' programmes.

Such programmes in essence were designed as a border defence initiative replacing native Irish peoples with English and Scottish peoples loyal to the English Crown.
These 'Plantation Baronets' required applicants/landholders to raise and maintain small private military units and to provide monies to pay these soldiers at least annually in advance. The monies being paid directly to the Crown whose agents saw the soldiers recieved regular wages.  No doubt this process was designed to ensure the 'Loyalty to the English Crown' of these military units.
Whilst reviewing the Muster Roll of the 'County of Donnagall' dated 1630 AD I noted there are very few Thom(p)son names with the exception being the Baronet De Rapho. This Baronet containing 1,000 acres was held by William Stewart who employed some sixty soldiers three of whom were named Thom(p)son.

Looking further at William Stewart he was from Wigtown, West Gallway, Scotland and established his base at the town of Ramelton, Donegal, Ireland.  Stewart proved a very capable Administrator and Soldier.
Ramelton is situated some twenty miles north of Letterkenny and some thirty miles west of Londonderry.  Ramelton being a larger and more successful Town than Letterkenny until the railway line was constructed to Letterkenny. William Stewart is also credited with building the first Protestant Church in Donegal after establishing his Baronet in the first decade of the 1600's.

The three Thom(p)son soldiers where Archibald and Andrew who appear to be of Commissioned/Non Comissioned rank and Sword and Pikeman, Robert Thom(p)son. Only three of the total of sixty or 5 %.  All names being recorded as dry Tomo's.  I believe they would certainly have been recruited in Wigtown, Scotland.

Where I find this particularly interesting is that my forebears in Ireland were all named Robert T and I have traced them to Milford, Donegal, Ireland which is situated two miles from Ramelton.  I am wondering about the abovementioned Sword and Pikeman.   Drawing a long bow ?  Perhaps but there is more.

Of the DNA testing our Family joined, one of our closest matches is to one, James Stewart McLellan, who is said to be the illigitmate son (and named for)  a Scottish Laird and Ramelton's William Stewart's son is named James. James Stewart inherited his fathers estates.   Perhaps insufficient to obtain an inditement but more that sufficient to give cause for suspicion.

From Clan Thompson's position this further places our name again in both the border regions of Scotland with documented evidence of migration to Ireland circa 1607.

The other reference to the Thom(p)son name is in the 'Flax' farming industry where our name is quite prominate by proportion however I have had little to no success in establishing any time line.

I believe the Irish hold much by way of historical record. The problem is they know the commercial value of these records of their most exploited export product.  Once again thanks to Moira for locating these references

Kind Regards ,    rus t   



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Re: Passenger lists - Ulster Scots - free pages
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2011, 06:11:11 PM »
Wow, Rus.............sometimes your perceptions amaze and boggle me! Your information certainly has lots of circumstantial evidence for a link to William Stewart and Thoms (possibly your Thom!). Seems like there are lots of links back to Wigtown and Wigtownshire for the Thoms.

I like your speculation on the timing/cause of the emigration from Ireland --- Tom's line also arrived here around 1830 from Ireland. Seems like a route so many followed.

Yeah, it's really hard to get solid evidence out of Ireland unless you have deep, deep pockets. I don't mind paying for something that is of value to me....but I hate to be gouged to pay to see every Francis Thompson in the whole of Ireland in the HOPES that one of them might be ours! Maybe you should just get on a plane and be able to go on over and look through the documentation on site! I think that sounds like a lot better idea than sending $$$ for who knows what?  ;)

Keep posting - I love your observations!



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Re: Passenger lists - Ulster Scots - free pages
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2011, 06:09:59 PM »
Hi Mary and fellow Tommo's

I don't know what to make of this yet. My Dad's DNA has located another two cousins in the USA.  Both are aligned to the Archibald Thompson of the AT Diary fame.  Very Early days yet but I would near bet my last can of beer that the Archibald T who penned the Diary is kin to the Archibald T who was the Laird, William Stewart's leiutenant.

From what I read on this site in 1610 Ramelton, Donegal, Ireland would have been a better place to be for Tomos than the border regions of Scotland. Ramelton is two miles from Milford, Donegal, Ireland where I have the last hard copy evidence of my line between 1840 to 1843. That is before they migrated to Oz. I have a plethora of hard copy here as they were regularly in the Courts or in Gaol :-)

Another available document is the 1665 Hearth Money Roll for County Donegal. The math in this document suggests the Tommos represented only thirteen families per thousand at that time. The document is a taxation roll and they tend to omit very few :-)

I understand the Thompson name is one of the most numerous in Donegal today.  Sets me to wonder why ?  It appears the 'Great Famine' of the mid nineteenth centuary was such that the last one out was supposed to turn the lighs off.  The Thompson name is well represented amongst the Flax growers and likewise the absence of our name leaving Ireland in the sixteen and seventeen hundreds tells us something. But exactly what I do not know.

Ramelton became wealthy on the back of flax and linen and there was a direct maritime trade with Jamacia. Sugar for Linen I would imagine. William Stewart and his line did very well from their endeavours perhaps his tenants first born sons did also.  Too many questions and too few answers.

DNA will resolve the mystery, not in my lifetime though.

Oh well another speadsheet needed to further confuse myself on timelines.  I will share any corelations with you Mary.  Why should I suffer alone :-)

Kind Regards

rus t 

Thomas Thompson

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Re: Passenger lists - Ulster Scots - free pages
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2013, 05:00:08 PM »
Researcher Barbara M. sent me this information:
Any who are listed, sailed on one of the 5 ships. They were parishners or friends of parishners of the Rev. William Martin. His ships were filled with people from villages:
 Ballymoney ( Rev. Martins)
 All in County Antrim N. Ireland.
  Presbyterians were usually Scots forced by the British Gov. to migrate to Northern Ireland. All below passengers were listed in SC Gazettes as receiving land surveys, Dec 1772 through Feb 1773.
Ship "James and Mary" mastered by John Worman, sailed from Larne 25 Aug 1772.
Ship "Lord Dulunce" mastered by James Gillis. Sailed from Larne 4 Oct 1772
     passengers # 76  Abraham Thomson
                         77  William Thomson
                         78  Mary Thomson
Ship "Pennseylvania Farmer" mastered by C. Robinson. sailed from Belfast 16 Oct 1772
Ship "Hopewell" mastered by J. Ash sailed from Belfast 19 Oct 1772
     passengers  # 220  Hugh Thomson
                          235  George Thomson
Brigantine "Free Mason" mastered by John Semple sailed from Newry 27 Oct 1772
     passengers  # 421 Henry Thomson
                          422  William Thomson
                          423  Robert Thomson
                          424  John Thomson
Those who received land, but no ship listing, but one of the five, and which are parishners of William Martin:
                        # 382  John Thomson
                           396  John Thomson
                           406  David Thomson


MICHAEL the Canadian

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Re: Passenger lists - Ulster Scots - free pages
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2014, 08:24:31 AM »
RUS t Wow it is amazing to read your article on the researching you did, With winter coming I have to try to begin working on the computer and try to learn how to research the family name. thanks for the info everyone even if i do not move forward with my research, I enjoy reading and do learn from all your articles. Thanks again Rus t, Mary, Tom, and the rest of the group  :D