Author Topic: Thomson as a Sept of Thomson....?  (Read 20377 times)

Allan Thomson

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Thomson as a Sept of Thomson....?
« on: January 10, 2010, 02:53:15 PM »
Thomson as a Sept of Thomson

Wikipedia definition of Sept
In the context of Scottish clans, septs are families that followed another family's chief. These smaller septs would then make up, and be part of, the chief's larger clan. A sept might follow another chief if two families were linked through marriage. However, if a family lived on the land of a powerful laird, they would follow him whether they were related or not. Bonds of manrent were sometimes used to bind lesser chiefs and his followers to more powerful chiefs.

As most forum users will know the name Thomson has been claimed as a sept by various Clans over the years and yet the name Thomson itself is patronymic and therefore even the “Thomson’s” themselves probably don’t share a common ancestor..!

I have started another thread on this forum looking at the various Thom(p)son armigerous families.  I have been wondering if a descendant of one of these families could be put forward as a potential Chief... They might only represent a smaller branch of the whole population of Thom(p)son’s but they might still be considered a Chief (or possibly Chieftain) of the Thom(p)son name.... Finally all Thom(p)son's would have the option of belonging to a Clan Thom(p)son.  Other Thomson’s with no blood relation might then become Septs of this Thomson clan....  it may be another avenue to look at..?

Not sure how this would go down with the Lord Lyon but perhaps worth considering....

Allan Thomson

Thomas Thompson

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Re: Thomson as a Sept of Thomson....?
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2010, 10:59:22 AM »
   Perhaps you could explain a couple of points that have been neglected by Lyon. Not surprising since I have included several questions in each letter to him.

     Iain McMillan MacAulay offered assistance and graciously sent me a video copy of their 2002 Ad Hoc Derbhfine. If I understood Ross Herald correctly from the video, a derbhfine is a function applicable only a recognized clan or family. Therefore, I am in a quandary - we cannot have a derbhfine unless we are a recognized as an honorable clan without a chief ... and we cannot be recognized as a clan unless we have a chief.
   I am also curious about how an indeterminate cadet line candidate bearing the surname but unable to show a genealogical bloodline to the chief's line might be viewed by Lyon Court? An example: Campbells of Succoth can be traced back to 1672-7 when John Campbell was granted arms, but no connection to the chiefly line was determined.  Lyon Register, v.1.p.514.