Author Topic: Robert Thomson, b. abt. 1789 SCO, d. abt. 1840 NB, CAN  (Read 16840 times)


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Robert Thomson, b. abt. 1789 SCO, d. abt. 1840 NB, CAN
« on: May 19, 2011, 07:46:16 AM »
Robert Thomson is my recently-confirmed gr-gr-gr-grandfather.

Thanks to a Land Grant Petition to the provincial government in New Brunswick, Canada, from May 1817, I've learned that he was born 1788-89 in Scotland and arrived in the Newcastle/Chatham area of Northumberland County (now called Miramichi) around June 1816.

He married Margaret McFarlane (b. abt. 1803, d/o George McFarlane, a British veteran from the American War of Independence who had been granted land in the area in the 1780s) at Chatham on 13 DEC 1822 -- he of Glenelg and she of Chatham.

The United Church of St. Andrew and St. John in Chatham has baptismal records for:

Joseph (1823)
Ellen (1824)
Janet McFarlane (1832)
Sarah (1834)
Aaron (1836 and my ancestor)
George (1838)
Isabella (1840)

All were presented for baptism by Robert, except for Isabella, who was presented by "Mrs. Robert Thompson (widow)". So Robert died at some point in late 1839 or early 1840.

My present goal is to connect Robert to any other family who might have emigrated with him, as well as connect him to his family and place of origin back in Scotland.

I look forward to hearing any leads or advice anyone here might have.

Many thanks,



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Re: Robert Thomson, b. abt. 1789 SCO, d. abt. 1840 NB, CAN
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2011, 07:26:34 PM »
Well, none of your family is in our line, but we certainly wish you well with your hunt!

Anyone else have Canadian Thomsons??

Sis Thompson's oldest

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Re: Robert Thomson, b. abt. 1789 SCO, d. abt. 1840 NB, CAN
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2011, 01:17:53 PM »
Wow!  :o David,
I got a big jolt when I read the subject of your post.
My gr gr gr grandfather was also a Robert Thompson..........................alas not your Robert Thompson :(.

My Robert W Thompson came from NC (born in 1777 died 1848) and migrated to IN with or without his parents (unknown at this time) in the early 1800s. He married in 1820 to Nancy Bowen d/o Ephriam Bowen from PA and NJ.

Welcome to the forum and keep on searching!
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