Author Topic: Belle Chere Street Fair  (Read 16892 times)

Sis Thompson's oldest

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Belle Chere Street Fair
« on: March 29, 2013, 02:05:19 PM »
This may be your last chance to attend the Belle Chere Street Fair in Asheville, NC. After 35 years of the Street Fair the city has inferred they may discontinue due to the poor return on investment.

Heavy Sigh.

I'll be there as always snapping pictures, eating great food, drinking fine beer, watching every kind of people under the sun and commenting on it all. Maybe for the last time.

When Roberto moved here in  June of 1999 (I came in September, somebody had to sell the house in Michigan) he spent his day off at Belle Chere, his very first time. I remember him calling me from a pay phone (yep, remember those?) and describing the venue, the people and the two shirtless guys in kilts carrying axes and wearing blue body paint. I could only imagine what I was getting myself into. Since then we've been to nearly every one of those events and saw something new each time.  It'll be a sad day when the month of July stretches out before us and no Belle Chere to break it up.

As I said ......Heavy sigh.

So, clear your calendar, make some plans to visit Asheville in July the 26th thru the 28th and post me, I'll be your guide. Somebody has to track down those two guys in kilts and blue body paint for ya!
Yer Coz,
The bad news? There is no key to the universe. The good news? It was never locked.


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Re: Belle Chere Street Fair
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2013, 08:39:10 AM »
I would love to see it --- why is it that all the GOOD things are disappearing and leaving us only with junk? We'll have to see how the funds run this summer - maybe we could make the jaunt for the 'guided tour.'

Great write-up as always - you are a gem  ;)