General Category > General Scottish

What are you doing for the 4th of July?

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I'm going to some friends house and eat up a bunch if BBQ ribs   then I'll call Mary and change my kilt order to a dress blue thompson tent.

and I'll be doing "Wall Security" a couple of nights from 0000 to 0300 ( that's midnight to 3 am for you non-military types).  The City of Thornton Colorado is having one of the moving walls ( a 3/5 replica of the Washington DC VIETNAM Memorial) on display for the holiday, and times being as they are today, they need security to make sure some (fill in the blank here) doesn't do something to it.

My best to you all

Booner Mor (hi Scottie!!!)

Stirling Thompson:
I'm headed north to see my grandkids in Maine for the 4th. We'll spend a week up there then bring the two younger ones back to Mass for two weeks then take them back home.

We had the Moving Wall here in Whitinsville in 2002 and I had the honor of walking night guard a couple of nights. The requirements of having the Wall are that there be 24 hour coverage at the Wall more for honor than security.

It is so peaceful and serene and you feel so close to those lost brothers in arms.

Graham Thompson:
Im not doing anything because im not American and i dont celebrate the 4th of July. On Canada day though (July 1st) I will be recovering after my 21 birthday on June 30th and getting a message.

Happy 21st Birthday, Graham!  21st Birthdays are so much fun...I've had at least 3 of them myself!

Since California is having such a dreadful time with fires, most caused by lightening, I hope folks here don't start with the neighborhood fire works. 


Paula Cash Womack:
Had the priviledge of taking my 21&23 year old kids to the Wall in DC a few years back.  Awesome experience, especially the Korean war memorial.  Realizing that most of the casualties in all the wars were children my kids' age really hit home. 

This year, having cook-out with friends, etc.  (Good thing Jim can grill.)

Have a safe one everybody.



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