General Category > Heraldry

Henry Thomson of Killour – Lord Lyon King of Arms (1496 – 1512)

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Stirling Thompson:
Allan, apparently there is a set of volumes originally published by the Scottish Record Society in 1945 that may have some genealogy info for Henry Thomson of Keillor. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear to have been digitized but perhaps you can locate it.

Court of the Lord Lyon: list of His Majesty's officers of arms and other officials with genealogical notes, 1318-1945


SECOND SERIES. —VOL. VI. July - December 1858


(2°* S. v. 496.)

The following list of Lyon Heralds with additional information respecting them may not be unacceptable to A. S. A., and some of the readers of " N. & Q." :—

1. Sir William Cumyn was second son of William Cumyn of Culter and Inveralochy, an old cadet of the Earl of Buchan, and received from his father in 1483 the lands of Inveralochy, Aberdeenshire, on the narrative that William had taken his part in a family quarrel against his other sons Alexander (his heir) and James. He seems to have been a bustling personage, acted as macer from 1479 to 1494*; was a pursuivant in 1483, and in 1494 was appointed Marchmont Herald. As such he was knighted in 1507, and is designed October 25, 1518, " Lioune King-of-Armes."

2. Henry Thomson was Lyon either before or after Sir William Cumyn. In a notice early in the sixteenth century, mention is made of Christina Douglas, relict " Henrici Thomsone, Leonis Heraldi Regis Armorum."

* This office was of more importance in ancient times than of late, when, according to Pleydell (v. Gay Mannering) " one of the requisites to be a macer or officer in attendance upon our Supreme Court is that they shall be men of no knowledge."

Thomas Thompson:
Whee Thanks Allan
  I got more information than I expected.
Now I have to ask what is: "they shall be men of no knowledge" ?
 I have frequently had that label applied to me - probally well deserved.


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